OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  style inheritance again

    Posted 03-11-2009 17:12

    I just ran over the following problem about style inheritance in ODF.

    Suppose you have the following style definitions:
     <style:style style:name="Standard" style:family="paragraph">
         <style:tab-stop style:position="1in"/>
         <style:tab-stop style:position="2in"/>
         <style:tab-stop style:position="3in"/>
         <style:tab-stop style:position="4in"/>

     <style:style style:name="MyStyle" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard">
         <style:tab-stop style:position="5in"/>

    So when rendering a paragraph with style "MyStyle" will the paragraph have 5 tabs [1in, 2in, 3in, 4in, 5in] or just one tab at [1in] according to ODF inheritance?


  • 2.  Re: [office] style inheritance again

    Posted 03-12-2009 04:30
    Hi Florian,
    Florian Reuter wrote:
    >  Hi,
    > I just ran over the following problem about style inheritance in ODF.
    > Suppose you have the following style definitions:
    > So when rendering a paragraph with style "MyStyle" will the paragraph
    > have 5 tabs [1in, 2in, 3in, 4in, 5in] or just one tab at [1in] according
    > to ODF inheritance?
    Just my opinion as a newbie at this TC. The composite result of your
    example obviously makes sense. But what about having the following style
    You will end up in a tabstop mess. Hence I think 

  • 3.  Re: [office] style inheritance again

    Posted 03-23-2009 14:42
    On Thursday 12 March 2009, Peter Junge wrote:
    > Hi Florian,
    > Florian Reuter wrote:
    > >  Hi,
    > > 
    > > I just ran over the following problem about style inheritance in ODF.
    > > [...]
    > > So when rendering a paragraph with style "MyStyle" will the paragraph
    > > have 5 tabs [1in, 2in, 3in, 4in, 5in] or just one tab at [1in] according
    > > to ODF inheritance?
    > Just my opinion as a newbie at this TC. The composite result of your
    > example obviously makes sense. But what about having the following style
    > definitions:
    > [...]
    > You will end up in a tabstop mess. Hence I think