OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  OpenDocuemnt TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-11-06

    Posted 11-09-2006 17:36
    Roll call:
    Patric Durusau
    David Faure, KDE
    Jody Goldberg, Novell
    Lars Oppermann, Sun Microsystems
    Eike Rathke, Sun Microsystems
    David A Wheeler, OpenDocument Foundation
    Bruce D'Arcus, OpenDocument Foundation
    Gary Edwards, OpenDocument Foundation
    Action items:
    - none
    Spliiting ODF in multiple parts...
    a) individual tc specs
    b) single oasis standard
    (still possible to later make things standalone later)
    RESOLUTION: drive parts as individual committee specifications but 
    publish one single OASIS-Standard, which is composed out of those parts
    Proposed guideline:
    1.1 is valid under 1.2
    1.2 minus new features is valid i under 1.1
    Exceptions in circumstances where TC agrees to them
    Bruce: metadata might be issue
    version attribute?
    Bruce will send more info to the list after reviewing implications
    we have consensus for using this as a guideline
    1.2 schedule, as proposed by Michael on the mailing list
    - no objections to the schedule.
    see comments 'Thomas Sender'
    Action Lars check OOo
    + David check Koffice
    + Lars put 1.2 action list (suggested)
    developers should talk and find a way for universal concept
    Bruce: citation field should get in there
    could be made generic
    - presenting generic data beyond citations
    - lots of users want this
    + suggested work item
    DavidF: still hope for paragraph numbering
    DavidW: degrees radiants/gradients
    + put them on the list
    DavidF: settings interoperability
    maybe start small and add the most needed settings
    - show notes
    - show annotation indicators
    - units?
    - show grid, show zero-value
    Lars Oppermann 

  • 2.  Re: [office] OpenDocuemnt TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-11-06

    Posted 11-10-2006 12:50
    On Fri Nov 10 2006, Lars Oppermann wrote:
    > see comments 'Thomas Sender'
    "Thomas Zander" ;)
    David Faure, faure@kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
    Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

  • 3.  Re: [office] OpenDocuemnt TC Coordination Call Minutes 2006-11-06

    Posted 11-10-2006 15:13
    Lars or David,
    Lars Oppermann wrote:
    > DavidF: still hope for paragraph numbering
    > DavidW: degrees radiants/gradients
    > + put them on the list
    can you please provide me with some more information what you exactly 
    mean by this, so that I can add the two items to the wiki.
    Best would be a link to a mail in the mail archive.