OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

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RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: [ebcore] AMQP and ebXML =?UTF-8?Q?messaging=3F?=

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: [ebcore] AMQP and ebXML =?UTF-8?Q?messaging=3F?=

    Posted 08-12-2008 18:24
    Good synopsis. 
    That would certainly jive with SWIFT message needs - where their existing XML is overspecified - whereas the original SWIFT messages are highly compact but underspecified!  And of course banks love to have hardware messaging layers that only they have.  And when they talk about open standard - that means between banks!
    which makes an ebXML CPA look trivial!  Trawling through that though I see I could if pressed write some XSLT to output that control file format from a CPA... since most of the semantic and logic content would appear to be consistent with typical control parameters, or easily defaulted to obvious values.
    I'm not sure about sweet spot for ebMS though - as certainly the UK NHS are sending very high message volumes per minute of common XML messages... so it probably is an example of the banks intentionally wanting to be different (again) and the cost is not an issue for them.
    Thanks, DW

  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: [ebcore] AMQP and ebXML messaging?

    Posted 08-12-2008 18:46
    David and Dale,
    My understanding is that AMQP was very much positioned as an internal (intra-enterprise) messaging bus protocol competing with existing proprietary protocols.  I do not think it was intended as an inter-enterprise protocol. 
    So I see ebMS as being complementary to AMQP for inter-enterprise message exchange just as ebMS is complimentary to JMS and other proprietary messaging protocols. 
    Some of my colleagues in Cisco have been quite active in the development of the AMQP.  I can ask them to engage in the discussion if there's interest.
    Best Regards,

    From: David RR Webber (XML) [mailto:david@drrw.info]
    Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 11:24 AM
    To: Moberg Dale
    Cc: ebcore@lists.oasis-open.org; ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: [ebcore] AMQP and ebXML messaging?

    Good synopsis. 
    That would certainly jive with SWIFT message needs - where their existing XML is overspecified - whereas the original SWIFT messages are highly compact but underspecified!  And of course banks love to have hardware messaging layers that only they have.  And when they talk about open standard - that means between banks!
    which makes an ebXML CPA look trivial!  Trawling through that though I see I could if pressed write some XSLT to output that control file format from a CPA... since most of the semantic and logic content would appear to be consistent with typical control parameters, or easily defaulted to obvious values.
    I'm not sure about sweet spot for ebMS though - as certainly the UK NHS are sending very high message volumes per minute of common XML messages... so it probably is an example of the banks intentionally wanting to be different (again) and the cost is not an issue for them.
    Thanks, DW

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