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Subject: Re: [office] Regrets for next two calls
.Hi Duane,
Thanks for the links to Adobe XMP. You guys have done some seriously
good work here, and I'm looking forward to future discussions. I will
be at the JavaONE Conference (cell # 650-888-2268) and would like to
meet you, and perhaps even chat a bit about XMP and OpenDoc XML.
Would you also be interested in meeting with Stephen O'Grady of
Redmonk? ( He
has lots of questions about MS XML, OpenDoc XML, and SOA. And i don't
have answers.
Now, if only we could get Nathaniel Borenstein, Xiao Wei Hu, Bob Sutor
to join us, we could get down to the really interesting business of
WorkPlace, Notes, and the Adobe Stack of XMP enabled applications :)
I'd skip the rest of JavaONE for that kind of get together.
Regarding MS XML and the infamous MS XML Reference License that governs
MS XML, there was an interesting post today by Brian Jones on his MS
Blog. He offers a sample file written in the recently announced MS XML
version 2 format. He also discusses interoperability with OpenDoc
XML. I'm thinking that we might have enough here to run our first
conformance test :)
You can find Brian's comments and the sample MS XML file at:
Hope you're having a good time in Europe, and that your journey is
productive. Let's try to meet next week,
Gary Edwards
OpenStack Business Systems
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 365-0899 w
(650) 888-2268 c. volunteer serving on the OASIS OpenDocument TC
Duane Nickull wrote:
I will be
in Geneva at the UN/CEFACT meeting next Monday and on an airplane the
following week.
Regrets. Look forward to picking back up in July
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fn:Gary Edwards
org:OpenStack Business Systems; Representative to OASIS OpenDocument XML TC
adr:;;232 F Street;Redwood City;CA;94063;USA
tel;work:+1 650 365-0899
tel;cell:+1 650 888-2268 volunteer serving on the OASIS OpenDocument TC
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