Thanks, Yves, most of it makes sense to me, and IMHO as a bottom line it actually does not require a normative change, except possibly adding a constraint enforcing the <em/> to come logically after their <sm/>. Now as I think of it, we always assume (we e.g. do not allow em to have its own id) that <sm/>/<em> must always go in a pair but I am not sure if we explicitly say that anywhere in the spec.. Detailed answers inline: Dr. David Filip ======================= LRC CNGL LT-Web CSIS University of Limerick, Ireland telephone: +353-6120-2781 cellphone: +353-86-0222-158 facsimile: +353-6120-2734 mailto: On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 1:01 AM, Yves Savourel < > wrote: Hi David, all, > Yves, I am reacting to the use cases inline using > my proposed algorithm.. > I first thought that yours should produce the same > results but probably not, as your question marks do not > seem puzzling to me.. I put the question marks because it wasn't clear to me what was the result of your algorithm. Now I know. Good, and is it the same as yours? I've tried to implement this and here are my conclusions: -- We actually do not want to change the current definition with the defaults: they are fine. I agree It's not the default value of the translate attribute of <segment> that depends on the overrides, it's how the value (set or inherited) is applied to the content. I agree -- What we are missing is a description of how an agent determines the translate state of a text is at any point in the source and the target content. IMHO this description should be added as a non normative example, as otherwise it would be pushing an implementation I'm not sure where that should be added. The translate attribute section is a possible place. Sounds plausible, will shout if I find a better place. We could place a warning in the attribute description under the deafault values description aying that these defaults may be overridden by values set in <sm></em> pairs throughout the enclosing unit and that implementers should be careful about that. Your stack algorithm description could come as a possible implementation example, I would try to flesh out my abstract algorithm description, if Bryan or Tom can add an XSLT based example that we be very good. Here is the algorithm I've tried: Resolved value = value directly set or obtained by inheritance Part = a segment or an ignorable element - Create a stack of translate values - Push a single value in the stack (the actual value does not matter). - Get the list of the parts in the unit: - for the source content use the parts in the order they are in the document - for the target content use the parts in the order set by the target order attributes - Starting at the first part of the list, for each part: - Set the bottom of the stack to the translate value of the part: - For a segment: the resolved translate value of the segment - For an ignorable: the resolved translate value of the parent unit. I don't think so, ignorable is not translatabale no matter what, it can just hold pieces of annotations that can flip parts outside of itself.. - Iterate through the content - If an opening marker for a Translate Annotation is found: - Push the translate value of the annotation at the top of the stack. - If a closing marker for a Translate Annotation is found: - Remove the corresponding item in the stack At any time, the top of the stack has the translate value to apply to the current content. This method has one caveat: The closing markers of each translation annotations must be after its corresponding opening marker. Technically I don't think this is enforced by a constraint or a PR. It should be OK for the source content. But the target ordering may introduce some problems if it's not done properly. I think we do not have this, I propose to add this to the <sm/> and <em/> descriptions. I think we should say for <sm/> that it MUST have a closing <em/> within the enclosing unit (and vice versa) AND that <em/> must come logically after its corresponding <sm/> I'd also add a warning that the order attribute has to be considered in target for determining the logical order.. There are probably other ways to do it. Hopefully Bryan will come up with a nice way to do it in XSLT. Cheers, -yves --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail. Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: