OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: The Return Path Problem

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] RE: The Return Path Problem

    Posted 11-12-2001 17:02
    I agree with your definition of a "Party", and yes I assume that there is
    only one MSH within a party that implements a Service and Action. I also
    agree that we need to be more explicit about what is (or is not) a Party and
    However I don't think that limiting a Party to one MSH Service and Action is
    necessarily a problem as:
    1. A Party can represent a division of a company (as in DUNS+4)
    2. If you need more than one MSH for a Service and Action within a company,
    then you do content based routing where some other data (perhaps in the
    payload) is ued to do the second level routing.
    I also think that a CPA should be between businesses and not between
    applications as the maintenance level required by the keeping CPAs between
    individual applications is too high. What I think Marty's suggestion implies
    would mean you would have to update your CPA with a business if you wanted
    to do a query for a new reason.
    I also agree that Service and Action are "what" type information and that we
    need the "how". It's just that I think you should be able to dervice the
    "how" dynamically from the "what" rather than just ignore the "what" for
    routing purposes.