Bob --
Energy Interoperation fits well with the Modern Grid Initiative from
the DOE/OE; the Modern Grid work has a number of similarities with the
work of the GridWise Architecture Council, with which this charter fits
Demand Response (DR, the last two letters of AutoDR, the TC's base
specification) is very important to DOE and FERC in the broader context
of the smarter grid, and helps (with proper aggregation) to enable
treating of curtailment resources as (in effect) alternate generation
I don't have all the references to hand right now, but there is
definitely a relationship there as well as to the DR aspects of the
NIST Smart Grid Standards Roadmap project, in progress.
Excellent point; the section 2 material should be updated to reflect
bill cox
William Cox
+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax
Bob Stayton wrote:
read the proposed charter for the Energy Interoperation TC but I don't
see any mention of the Department of Energy's Office of Electricity
Delivery and Energy Reliability. That office received $4.5 billion from
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. From their website:
"As outlined in the legislation, these funds are an investment in a
nationwide plan to modernize the electric grid, enhance security of
U.S. energy infrastructure and ensure reliable electricity delivery to
meet growing demand. This represents a significant increase in the
Department of Energy's investment in grid modernization and reflects a
recognition that a more efficient and integrated grid is integral to
achieving President Obama's goals to significantly increase the use of
renewable energy resources and to improve the Nation's economic
Could someone clarify the relationship of the OASIS effort with this
DOE office's activities to develop the smart grid? Is NIST the
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
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