OASIS Threat Actor Context (TAC) TC

RSA Cyber Monday Savings for OASIS Members -- deadline 3 Dec.

  • 1.  RSA Cyber Monday Savings for OASIS Members -- deadline 3 Dec.

    Posted 11-29-2021 14:35
    USE CODE: 82UOASISCM We re celebrating Cyber Monday by bringing back our Early Bird discount for RSA Conference 2022. But don t wait, your chance to get the lowest possible rate only lasts until December 3 . As an OASIS member, you can take advantage of this exclusive discount! Use code 82UOASISCM to save on all passes, including $1,100 on a Full Conference Pass* for onsite access to all the conversations and insights from thought leaders across the cybersecurity industry. USE CODE: 82UOASISCM REGISTER AND SAVE VIEW ALL PASSES *$1,100 discount applies to the regular Onsite price of a Full Conference Pass. Cyber Monday discount is only applicable for new registrations and cannot be retroactively applied or combined with other discount codes. Discount code expires December 3 at 11:59 PM PT. View Terms & Conditions. CAN T ATTEND IN PERSON? Purchase a Digital Pass . HEALTH & SAFETY HUB Review attendee requirements . Stay connected: 2021 RSA Security LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. RSA Conference logo, RSA, and other trademarks are trademarks of RSA Security LLC or its affiliates. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners. Legal Notices Privacy Statement RSA, 174 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA 01730