OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EM-TC Telecons Today

    Posted 05-29-2007 09:45
    There will be an IF-SC meeting scheduled for 11:30 EDT today which 
    will use the same conference line as the EM-TC meeting which will 
    start at 12:00.  The call in number is 605-725-3600 and the pass code 
    is 236489.
    The EM-TC Meeting is planned for 1 hour with the agenda as follows:
    1.  Attendance
    2.  Vote on CAP 1.1 Errata
    	There will be three votes:  committee draft, non-substantive 
    changes, 15 day review
    	We have already approved these changes individually but need to 
    accept them in final form.  A link will be sent shortly that will 
    have the red-line and Errata for the review.
    3.  Vote to approve changes suggested by Patti on EM-TC web site.
    	These were summarized in an email from Patti 5/2 with an attachment 
    of the actual changes.  Please review and prepare to comment/correct/approve.
    4.  Discussion of Profiles for CAP
    5.  Reports from subcommittees
    6.  Adjourn

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] EM-TC Telecons Today

    Posted 05-29-2007 15:20
    I think item 5 on the agenda should be 'Reports from subcommittees and
    liasons.'  Just like subcommittees, liasons won't always have much to
    report, but that way we get in the habit of looking for a report.
    This week I have a heads-up report from the oBIX committee and
    associated work.  I'll write up a short blurb on it tonight or
    tomorrow to post to Kavi, but can give a briefing at the EMTC meeting
    today, time permitting.
    - Michelle
    On 5/29/07, Elysa Jones