OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

Ballot to approve revised Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) V2.1.0 with Non-Material Changes made since its last public review has been set up

  • 1.  Ballot to approve revised Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) V2.1.0 with Non-Material Changes made since its last public review has been set up

    Posted 03-05-2020 18:30
    The SARIF TC members [1] have requested a Special Majority Vote to approve Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) V2.1.0 as Candidate OASIS Standard 02 and present it to the membership in the call for consent. COS01 completed its 60-day public review on 18 February 2020 and it received comments. The TC chose to make changes to the COS to address the comments. The changelog can be found as 'Editor's report 2020-02-26.md' in the ZIP file with the revised file at [2]. The log of the comments and their resolution can be found at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=66786&wg_abbrev=sarif which contains PDFs for each of the JIRA issues logged from the review. The TC judges these changes to be non-material and only in response to comments received as required by the OASIS TC Process. The ballot can be inspected at https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=3482 . The ballot opened immediately and closes on 12 March 2020 at 23:59 UTC. Any Eligible Person concerned that the changes are Material is asked to bring their concern to OASIS TC Administration at tc-administration@lists.oasis-open.org so that the appropriate actions can be taken. [1] OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/sarif/ [2] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=66750&wg_abbrev=sarif -- /chet ---------------- Chet Ensign Chief Technical Community Steward OASIS: Advancing open source & open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org Mobile: +1 201-341-1393