UBL Transportation SC

Minutes of Meeting - Thursday, 20 July 2006

  • 1.  Minutes of Meeting - Thursday, 20 July 2006

    Posted 07-20-2006 05:48
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    Subject: Minutes of Meeting - Thursday, 20 July 2006

    Hi all,

    Pls find below the MOM for today’s concall.

    MINUTES of UBL-TSC Meeting

    1000 – 1200 SGT, Thursday, 20 July 2006


                  - UBL TSC Chair

    Tim McGrath       - UBL TC Vice-Chair

    Andrew Schoka     - UBL TSC member

    Mike Onder        - DOT

    Dave FitzPatrick  - UBL TSC member

    Item Discussed

    1. Code List Methodology

    - Tim updated all that that in the new code list methodology, the schema identifies where to find the value for the code list

    - The genericode approach is being used in the new code list methodology.

    - Based on the wd9 version, the code list is found in the \cl directory. The \gc subdirectory contains codelist for CEFACT, default and special purpose. Code list based on the genericode has the .gc extension. This is basically an XML instance

    - Some of these code lists have been converted from xsd to .gc. For example the CurrencyCodeContentType.gc, where the original content is from CodeList_Currency_ISO_7_o4.xsd where enumeration is being used.

    - The result is that application needs to employ a two-pass approach to validate the XML instance

    - Tim updated that a new TC will be created to further promote this methodology


    2. Sanity Check

    - Tim updated that Jon is working to release the final complete package

    - The meeting noted that Jon had sent it out to the ubl list

    - Andy noted that under Section 5 of the documentation, the Transport Status message doesn’t seem to be mentioned

    - Tim mentioned that it is covered under extension of fulfillment but agreed that there need to be another section to cover this

    - Andy also commented that implementers would most likely that for a given document schema, be using a subset of the it, instead of the complete schema, which can be quite overwhelming

    - Tim updated that further editing of the documentation can still be done. This would include an Idiot’s Guide to the Code List methodology. He reiterated that the XSD schema is the most important thing as far as the 2nd public review is concerned

    3. UBL Extension Type

    - Tim updated that the UBL Extension Type has made it to the final package

    - commented that the industry’s practical requirement will be for the Extension to be in the ABIE instead of the document

    - Tim responded that UBL TC had deliberated on this for quite some time and decided to apply Extension at the document level

    4. Sample Instance

    - Andy noted that in the final package, most of the sample instance was for the procurement and asked if any would be included from the transport sector.

    - Tim mentioned that he had previously worked out an overall storyline, which will then determine the sample instance that would be required

    - Tim mentioned that there may be a need to have a working group so that all parties would be synchronised, when they produce the sample instance

    5. UBL TC F2F Meeting in

    - Andy asked if anyone from the TSC would be attending the meeting

    - Tim would attend it over conference call

    Action Item

    1. Tim to send out to all, including PSC, the overall storyline


    Kamarudin Bin Tambi

    UBL TSC Chair

    DID: 65 – 6887 7516

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    Makes better sense


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