OASIS Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) TC

  • 1.  STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon Jupyter notebook demo

    Posted 01-19-2018 18:22
    Greetings, y'all - Those of you who were on the earlier CTI TC call yesterday witnessed the unfortunate failure of my live-coding demo due to some weird screen-sharing issues related to the Zoom Linux client. That notwithstanding, what I was attempting to demo was some pretty cool stuff based on what John Wunder and I put together for the 08 Dec 2017 STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon in Prague. Here is a screencast which I put together this morning that replicates the demo I attempted on yesterday's full TC call [1]. If you're interested in playing with the materials yourself, you can clone the Jupyter notebook template [2] and refer to the list of project ideas [3] from the Prague hackathon to stimulate your own thinking. If you come up with something really cool, run into some bugs or issues with any of the OASIS Open Repository APIs, please email me privately or open Github issues on the relevant OASIS Open Repository, as seems appropriate to you. Hope this proves helpful to y'all and stimulates your thinking in terms of the possibilities with STIX/TAXII 2.0! Have a lovely weekend, looking forward to catching up with you on next Tuesday's TC working call. [1]: https://kingfisherops.com/static/stix_taxii_jupyter_notebook_demo_screencast_19.01.2018.mp4 [2]: https://notebooks.azure.com/treyka/libraries/jan-cti-tc-demo [3]: https://goo.gl/3wFxiL -- Cheers, Trey ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ Director of Standards Development, New Context gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F 018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ -- "Any sufficiently complex input format is indistinguishable from bytecode." -- Bratus, Patterson, & Shubina Attachment: signature.asc Description: Digital signature

  • 2.  Re: [cti] STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon Jupyter notebook demo

    Posted 01-19-2018 18:37
    Awesome work Trey! I highly recommend that everyone take ten minutes and watch this to see just how easy John Wunder and Trey have made it to get coding with STIX/TAXII 2.0. On 1/19/18, 1:22 PM, "Trey Darley" <cti@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of trey@newcontext.com> wrote: Greetings, y'all - Those of you who were on the earlier CTI TC call yesterday witnessed the unfortunate failure of my live-coding demo due to some weird screen-sharing issues related to the Zoom Linux client. That notwithstanding, what I was attempting to demo was some pretty cool stuff based on what John Wunder and I put together for the 08 Dec 2017 STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon in Prague. Here is a screencast which I put together this morning that replicates the demo I attempted on yesterday's full TC call [1]. If you're interested in playing with the materials yourself, you can clone the Jupyter notebook template [2] and refer to the list of project ideas [3] from the Prague hackathon to stimulate your own thinking. If you come up with something really cool, run into some bugs or issues with any of the OASIS Open Repository APIs, please email me privately or open Github issues on the relevant OASIS Open Repository, as seems appropriate to you. Hope this proves helpful to y'all and stimulates your thinking in terms of the possibilities with STIX/TAXII 2.0! Have a lovely weekend, looking forward to catching up with you on next Tuesday's TC working call. [1]: https://kingfisherops.com/static/stix_taxii_jupyter_notebook_demo_screencast_19.01.2018.mp4 [2]: https://notebooks.azure.com/treyka/libraries/jan-cti-tc-demo [3]: https://goo.gl/3wFxiL -- Cheers, Trey ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ Director of Standards Development, New Context gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F 018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ -- "Any sufficiently complex input format is indistinguishable from bytecode." -- Bratus, Patterson, & Shubina

  • 3.  Re: [cti] STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon Jupyter notebook demo

    Posted 03-27-2018 18:15
    Trey: I added your Jupyter Notebook Demo and supplemental references to the CTI TC Wiki.  They are in the Misc. section. Jane Ginn On 1/19/2018 11:36 AM, Struse, Richard J. wrote: > Awesome work Trey! I highly recommend that everyone take ten minutes and watch this to see just how easy John Wunder and Trey have made it to get coding with STIX/TAXII 2.0. > > On 1/19/18, 1:22 PM, "Trey Darley" <cti@lists.oasis-open.org on behalf of trey@newcontext.com> wrote: > > Greetings, y'all - > > Those of you who were on the earlier CTI TC call yesterday witnessed > the unfortunate failure of my live-coding demo due to some weird > screen-sharing issues related to the Zoom Linux client. That > notwithstanding, what I was attempting to demo was some pretty cool > stuff based on what John Wunder and I put together for the 08 Dec 2017 > STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon in Prague. > > Here is a screencast which I put together this morning that replicates > the demo I attempted on yesterday's full TC call [1]. If you're > interested in playing with the materials yourself, you can clone the > Jupyter notebook template [2] and refer to the list of project ideas > [3] from the Prague hackathon to stimulate your own thinking. > > If you come up with something really cool, run into some bugs or > issues with any of the OASIS Open Repository APIs, please email me > privately or open Github issues on the relevant OASIS Open Repository, > as seems appropriate to you. > > Hope this proves helpful to y'all and stimulates your thinking in > terms of the possibilities with STIX/TAXII 2.0! Have a lovely weekend, > looking forward to catching up with you on next Tuesday's TC working > call. > > [1]: https://kingfisherops.com/static/stix_taxii_jupyter_notebook_demo_screencast_19.01.2018.mp4 > [2]: https://notebooks.azure.com/treyka/libraries/jan-cti-tc-demo > [3]: https://goo.gl/3wFxiL > > -- > Cheers, > Trey > ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ > Director of Standards Development, New Context > gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F 018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338 > ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ > -- > "Any sufficiently complex input format is indistinguishable from > bytecode." -- Bratus, Patterson, & Shubina > > -- Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP CTI TC Secretary, OASIS Co-Founder of Cyber Threat Intelligence Network, Inc. jg@ctin.us