Trey: I added your Jupyter Notebook Demo and supplemental references to the CTI TC Wiki. They are in the Misc. section. Jane Ginn On 1/19/2018 11:36 AM, Struse, Richard J. wrote: > Awesome work Trey! I highly recommend that everyone take ten minutes and watch this to see just how easy John Wunder and Trey have made it to get coding with STIX/TAXII 2.0. > > On 1/19/18, 1:22 PM, "Trey Darley" < on behalf of> wrote: > > Greetings, y'all - > > Those of you who were on the earlier CTI TC call yesterday witnessed > the unfortunate failure of my live-coding demo due to some weird > screen-sharing issues related to the Zoom Linux client. That > notwithstanding, what I was attempting to demo was some pretty cool > stuff based on what John Wunder and I put together for the 08 Dec 2017 > STIX/TAXII 2.0 hackathon in Prague. > > Here is a screencast which I put together this morning that replicates > the demo I attempted on yesterday's full TC call [1]. If you're > interested in playing with the materials yourself, you can clone the > Jupyter notebook template [2] and refer to the list of project ideas > [3] from the Prague hackathon to stimulate your own thinking. > > If you come up with something really cool, run into some bugs or > issues with any of the OASIS Open Repository APIs, please email me > privately or open Github issues on the relevant OASIS Open Repository, > as seems appropriate to you. > > Hope this proves helpful to y'all and stimulates your thinking in > terms of the possibilities with STIX/TAXII 2.0! Have a lovely weekend, > looking forward to catching up with you on next Tuesday's TC working > call. > > [1]: > [2]: > [3]: > > -- > Cheers, > Trey > ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ > Director of Standards Development, New Context > gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F 018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338 > ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ > -- > "Any sufficiently complex input format is indistinguishable from > bytecode." -- Bratus, Patterson, & Shubina > > -- Jane Ginn, MSIA, MRP CTI TC Secretary, OASIS Co-Founder of Cyber Threat Intelligence Network, Inc.