OASIS Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC

thoughts on KMIP schedule, face-to-face, etc

  • 1.  thoughts on KMIP schedule, face-to-face, etc

    Posted 05-27-2009 17:26
    Hi -
    For tomorrow's KMIP TC meeting (28-May, 11 am ET), we'd like to continue
    last week's discussion of status by looking at a projected timeline for
    moving the KMIP specification and other documents to public review.
    Here's a first cut at that timeline. Please send any discussion
    (comments/suggestions/issues) to the KMIP list.
    4-June: at least initial drafts for all proposed modifications to KMIP
    docs have been posted to KMIP list
    2-July: final versions of all proposed modifications have been voted on
    and submitted to editors for incorporation into KMIP committee draft
    9-July: KMIP committee draft available for pre-vote review by TC members
    16-July: TC vote begins (in KAVI) to approve KMIP Specification, KMIP
    Usage Guide and KMIP Use Case documents as committee drafts. 
    23-July: TC vote ends. At this point, committee drafts would be frozen
    while work continues on at least 3 KMIP implementations that can be
    referred to in the announcement of the public review.
    10-September (Thursday after US Labor Day holiday): KMIP face-to-face
    meeting (location tbd) for 1) final review of of committee drafts prior
    to release to public review and 2) scoping KMIP V2.0 work.
    11-September: public review of KMIP committee draft announced
    Our schedule beyond that will depend on responses to the public review.
    But assuming that it's positive, I hope we can look forward to something
    like the following:
    November: Incorporate feed back from 60 day public review and begin vote
    to approve updated spec as Committee Specification
    December: Once the spec has been approved as a Committee Specification,
    vote to submit to OASIS membership for consideration as an OASIS