OASIS Web Services Interactive Applications TC

[wsia] RE: Questions regarding embedded and customized-integrated useca ses

  • 1.  [wsia] RE: Questions regarding embedded and customized-integrated useca ses

    Posted 03-16-2002 17:10
    My feeling would be that we should keep the Embedded case as the Lowest Common Denominator, recognize it to be a subset of Customized, and shift discussions of common functionality from Customized into Embedded. I think 2 key points to recognize/remember are: 1. that the Embedded and Customized cases are producer-focused 2. that we will be recommending the Embedded case as the minimum amount of work that a producer of interactive content will have to do in order for his service to be consumeable by a WSIA consumer So I agree with Greg's points - but it's probably open to debate what is the LCD that the industry will be happy with? . For example, if the minimum task defined for the WSIA-producer-wannabe is wrap your URLs with these tags so we can identify them and do rewriting then that might be enough to get a fairly ugly site up and running. But some may disagree with that as being the minimal set - maybe background colors and fonts and stylesheets will need tagging in order that the consumer can turn that ugly site into a pretty one - but that has just added to the minimal effort required to be a producer. (In fact this makes me wonder if WSRP is actually aligned with Embedded or whether it is a low-end version of Customized). So I agree with Greg's observations, but would favour his option (1) and make Embedded a recognized subset of Customized, and let this lead to a discussion of what we feel is the minimum. :-) gr