OASIS Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC

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  • 1.  A 'Straw Poll' regarding the April 18 TC meeting

    Posted 03-27-2018 16:50
    OpenC2 Technical Committee, Our Monthly meeting occurs on the third Wednesday of the month at 11:00 and 21:00 eastern and the next one is scheduled for April 18. The RSA 2018 conference will be held for the period of April 16-20 in San Francisco. Request your feedback with respect to whether or not we should hold the next meeting as scheduled, reschedule or cancel. Thank you and please advise. Very Respectfully, Joe Brule

  • 2.  Re: [openc2] A 'Straw Poll' regarding the April 18 TC meeting

    Posted 03-27-2018 17:03
    On 27.03.2018 16:50:00, Brule, Joseph M wrote: > > Request your feedback with respect to whether or not we should hold > the next meeting as scheduled, reschedule or cancel. > Hey, Joe - I'd reschedule or cancel. -- Cheers, Trey ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ Director of Standards Development, New Context gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F 018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338 ++--------------------------------------------------------------------------++ -- "E pur si muove!" --Galileo Galilei Attachment: signature.asc Description: PGP signature

  • 3.  Re: [openc2] A 'Straw Poll' regarding the April 18 TC meeting

    Posted 03-27-2018 17:11
    Agree -  reschedule or cancel would be good. I would put a slight preference on cancel since many of us will see each other at RSA anyway. On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 10:03 AM, Trey Darley < trey@newcontext.com > wrote: On 27.03.2018 16 :50:00, Brule, Joseph M wrote: > > Request your feedback with respect to whether or not we should hold > the next meeting as scheduled, reschedule or cancel. > Hey, Joe - I'd reschedule or cancel. -- Cheers, Trey ++---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------++ Director of Standards Development, New Context gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F  018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338 ++---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------++ -- "E pur si muove!" --Galileo Galilei -- Andrew Storms VP of Security Services P   707-477-4335   

  • 4.  Re: [openc2] A 'Straw Poll' regarding the April 18 TC meeting

    Posted 03-27-2018 17:26

    My preference would be to cancel as well 

    Nirmal R.

    On Mar 27, 2018, at 10:13 AM, Andrew Storms < storms@newcontext.com > wrote:

    -  reschedule
    or cancel would be good. I would put a slight preference on cancel since many of us will see each other at RSA anyway.

    On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 10:03 AM, Trey Darley
    < trey@newcontext.com > wrote:

    On 27.03.2018 16 :50:00, Brule, Joseph M wrote:
    > Request your feedback with respect to whether or not we should hold
    > the next meeting as scheduled, reschedule or cancel.

    Hey, Joe -

    I'd reschedule or cancel.

    ++---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------++
    Director of Standards Development, New Context
    gpg fingerprint: 3918 9D7E 50F5 088F 823F  018A 831A 270A 6C4F C338
    ++---------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------++
    "E pur si muove!" --Galileo Galilei


    Andrew Storms

    VP of Security Services

    P   707-477-4335



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  • 5.  Re: [openc2] A 'Straw Poll' regarding the April 18 TC meeting

    Posted 03-27-2018 17:57
    I also vote for cancelling/rescheduling -------------------------------------- Sridhar Jayanthi Chief Executive Officer PolyLogyx LLC. Transforming Cyber Security www.polylogyx.com Cell: +1-858-205-2252 On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 9:50 AM, Brule, Joseph M < jmbrule@radium.ncsc.mil > wrote: OpenC2 Technical Committee, Our Monthly meeting occurs on the third Wednesday of the month at 11:00 and 21:00 eastern and the next one is scheduled for April 18.  The RSA 2018 conference will be held for the period of April 16-20 in San Francisco. Request your feedback with respect to whether or not we should hold the next meeting as scheduled, reschedule or cancel. Thank you and please advise. Very Respectfully, Joe Brule ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/ apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_ workgroups.php