Fellow Code List Representation TC members, One of the tools in my toolbox is a genericode framework for the commercial oXygen XML tool
http://oxygenxml.com that many of us committee members use on a day-by-day basis. There is _no_ obligation on committee members to use or to obtain this tool. But if you are a user of the tool, I've added two versions of the framework to our git repository with installation instructions:
https://github.com/oasis-tcs/codelist-genericode/tree/main/oXygen-frameworks I will gear the packaging tools to keep the "OASIS-genericode-dev" development framework always up-to-date with the latest intermediate work so that when we pull down updates from GitHub our software will use the latest. I will leave the "OASIS-genericode" framework for stable versions the committee deems have been tested enough for production use. This framework performs two validation functions: the previously released XML Schema XSD and a proposed Schematron schema that I've been using personally and am donating to the committee for inclusion in our release. I'm hoping members will propose additional validation checks for the Schematron pass. So we'll put tests in "-dev" and releases in the other. Please let me know if you have any questions. . . . . . . Ken p.s. a reminder to those members who have not yet given me their GitHub account name and associated email address ... please do so ASAP so that I can keep low the number of times I interrupt TC Admin with administration requests. -- Contact info, blog, articles, etc.
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