Hi Bill
The procedures in the OASIS TC guide requires a vote (certification) on
the XML fragments, a statement that no substantive changes have been
made, and the agreement to create an electronic vote to send the CS to
the membership ballot as a full standard.
Therefore the section below in your proposed minutes:
Duane will update the name of the XSPA document to include
"Committee Specification" and present to the Chairs at which point
the Chairs will request the Admin to call a Vote to approve.
will not meet Mary's requirements, as taken from the OASIS policy.
Duane said that both votes occurred (I was late), so if that's correct,
could you rephrase this section (placed after the XML certification) to
Duane asked to advance the "Committee Specification" to a full
membership vote as an OASIS standard. As required by OASIS policy,
Duane moved to request the TC Admin to create an electronic vote
in order for the TC to approve the creation of a full membership
VOTE: passed unanimously
Duane will update the name of the XSPA document as required, collect
all additional information, and present to the Chairs at which point
the Chairs will request the Admin to create an electronic vote for
TC to approve the CS be sent to the full membership.
Thanks, I have to include a link to the minutes with the proper wording
in our materials to Mary before she will kick off the electronic vote.
David Staggs, JD, CISSP (SAIC)
Veterans Health Administration
Chief Health Informatics Office
Emerging Health Technologies
Original Message-----
From: bill parducci [mailto:bill@parducci.net]
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:13 AM
Subject: [xacml] Minutes 27 August 2009 TC Meeting
Time: 10:00 am EDT
1. Roll Call
Hal Lockhart (Chair)
Bill Parducci (Co-Chair, minutes)
Erik Rissanen
Paul Tyson
Rich Levinson
Seth Proctor
John Tolbert
Duane DeCouteau
David Staggs
Voting Members 9 of 10
Gareth Richards
Vernon Murdoch
2. Administrivia
Meeting started late due to issues with the new phone number.
Vote to approve Minutes from 13 August 2009 TC Meeting
APPROVED unanimously
XSPA Attestations
VA, Jericho Systems, Sun and Redhat have notified the TC that
they are successfully using XSPA.
Duane moved that the TC certify that the XML fragments within the
XSPA are well formed and correct and that the document doesn't
contain and substantial changes. Bill seconded.
VOTE: passed unanimously
Duane will update the name of the XSPA document to include
"Committee Specification" and present to the Chairs at which point
the Chairs will request the Admin to call a Vote to approve.
ODF Document Controls Profile uploaded
John noted that this version incorporates changes made per Erik's
suggestions re: proper formatting.
3. Issues
Attribute Manifest File
Hal reviewed AMF, describing its mechanism for communicating
metadata about information via attributes (which may be used in
making access control policy decisions).
Paul suggested that RDF be considered for making the solution more
flexible and as an efficient tie into an Enterprise Ontology
Seth asked what the primary Use Cases are. Hal offered that it
primarily tries to address how to handle missing attributes.
Paul offered that this type of information needs to be persisted
somehow and that this represents an attempt to do so in a standard
Hal asked if Paul could provide non-proprietary examples that may
be used for consideration in exploring RDF.
Paul will submit appropriate examples on the wiki as available.
Hal noted that the format of the currently posted document will
be modified to conform more closely to the Oasis standard.
4. Outstanding Issues
Core Conformance
XACML Future Work
Comments on XACML v3 (Aggregated by Erik)
meeting adjourned.
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