OASIS Emergency Management TC

rev1: Miinutes for Em-Msg SC 02-28-06

  • 1.  rev1: Miinutes for Em-Msg SC 02-28-06

    Posted 03-02-2006 15:31
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: rev1: Miinutes for Em-Msg SC 02-28-06

    Hi Everyone,
    Here are the Minutes of our last meeting,
    EM-Msg Meeting February 28, 2006 Minutes
    Voting Members:
    Gary Ham,
    Patti Aymond,
    Rex Brooks,
    Tim Grapes,
    Lee Tincher,
    Dave Ellis,
    Tom Merkle,
    Carl Reed
    Non-Voting Members:
    Michelle Raymond
    Josh Shows
    We had a quorum.
    Our agenda was posted prior to the meeting:
    1. Accept Minute of Previous Meeting
    2. Discuss adjusting schedule to synchronize with TC meeting 
    weeks--starting Thursday schedule for **later** meeting for EDXL_RM 
    exclusively on Thursday, March 9, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. 
    EST--starting alternating schedule on Tuesday, March 21, 2006, at 
    12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST [piggybacking on TC meeting call]
    3. Discuss schedule for deliverables milestones.
    Old Business:
    1.We accepted as approved, the minutes of the previous meeting.
    Priority was given to questions regarding EDXL_DE because it is in 
    15-day review and there was some mixup concerning the status of two 
    issues discussed on the email list. These are the issues referred to 
    as "typos." There was considerable discussion.
    Because the specification is still in review, we decided to push the 
    decision on the issues of accepting the changes as "typos" to the TC 
    without a specific recommendation. Patti agreed to submit the changes 
    to the email list for further review as an action item.
    They will be included in the Issues List tracking comments in this 
    15-day review period, which Rex agreed to manage as an action item.
    Responding to the request for volunteers to co chair the SC, Tim 
    Grapes and Lee Tincher volunteerred and were unanimously approved as 
    co-chairs. They agreed to get together with Rex to work out the 
    2. We decided to adjust the schedule, and it was brought to the 
    group's attention that the actual time agreed to for Thursday 
    meetings was and will be 5:00 p.m. EST (US). The next meeting will be 
    Thursday, March 9 at 5:00 p.m. EST (US).
    3.We set our deliverables at:
    Mid April for a first draft ready to review at the May face to face 
    meeting scheduled for the OASIS Symposium.
    3a. We agreed that this draft should be worked by;
    	1. finishing the review of the Requirements Document to be 
    sure we surface all requirements
    	    we can;
    	2. create rough draft at a high level of data dictionary 
    (without drilling down into great detail
    	    until after working the first dratt of the DOM);
    	3. create first draft of the DOM;
    	4. detail the data dictionary;
    	5. create the first draft of the overall schema, and the 
    prototype schemas for request/reply
    	    type schemas, then as many of the individual schemas or 
    the schemas which do not fall
    	    into he two major types for the combined first draft for 
    the face to face meetings.
    4. We also decided that we need to ask the TC to determine how many 
    days we will be meeting in the May face to face meetings.
    The meeting adjourned
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

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