OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

Re: [ebxml-msg] The negotiated meeting cost for the OASIS TC to deferthe cost of meeting rooms and support

  • 1.  Re: [ebxml-msg] The negotiated meeting cost for the OASIS TC to deferthe cost of meeting rooms and support

    Posted 01-31-2003 15:59
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] The negotiated meeting cost for the OASIS TC to deferthe cost of meeting rooms and support

    I've set up a Wiki on my website for us to use in defining the agenda 
    for this meeting.  Its sort of an experiment in collaboration.  This 
    website is fully editable by anyone who visits it.  If it works out, it 
    could be an awesome medium for people to collaborate on proposals and 
    specification sections.
    The Url: http://www.mac-kenzie.net/wiki/index.php/March%202003%20F2F
    Since the site is fully editable, the CPPA folks are invited to do this 
    as well, just go to 
    http://www.mac-kenzie.net/wiki/index.php/E-BusinessXML and edit 
    yourselves in!
    On Friday, Jan 31, 2003, at 12:34 America/Vancouver, Dale Moberg wrote:
    > Ok,
    > I have not heard much dissent so in accordance with the usual OASIS
    > TC conventions, it looks like a go for the San Diego March 10 to 14
    > Messaging
    > and CPPA extravaganza. Agendas to follow.
    > Please let me know if you plan to come for either or both sessions, and
    > I will
    > prepare the list for Messaging and CPPA.
    > We are getting a room, with no AV--so let me know if you can bring a
    > laptop projector.
    > The meeting fees for our room use will be $125 per person, for those
    > staying in the hotel.
    > For those not staying at the hotel, the fee goes to $175.
    > I will send a URL for hotel and related conference information as soon
    > as I track one down.
    > Dale Moberg
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