OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

RE: [ebxml-msg] Multiple handlers

  • 1.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Multiple handlers

    Posted 01-24-2004 01:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ebxml-msg message

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    Subject: RE: [ebxml-msg] Multiple handlers

    Duane Nickull's Question:
    I reviewed the specification and did not find an answer to this
    question.Is there anything in the ebXML MS spec that says a MS
    implementation MUST be capable of supporting multiple HTTP listeners? 
    DaleMoberg> Do you mean anything that implies that a MSH MUST handle
    multiple URLs? I don't think so. I guess you could set it up so that all
    messages from all parties to all parties (handled by the MSH) use the
    same URL. Not a very REST-friendly constraint, but permissible.
    However, using distinct URLs as initial screening on routing/processing
    might be useful. It could be conducive to scaling up to a cluster of
    servers, with different servers configured for different jobs. And so
    on. I would certainly argue against stipulating that a single MSH MUST
    use exactly one URL per MSH. That would be a repressive constraint IMO
    that would unduly restrict implementation and design choice.
    Duane continues:
    CPA allows there to be multiple listeners/transport endpoints listed for
    MSH's that may have more than 1 endpoint.  Does this seem logical or is
    it a potential misalignment of the specifications.
    DaleMoberg> I don't know if it is "logical" or not but it allows a lot
    more freedom in configuring a MSH, and using URLs to partition in
    accordance with resources or whatever. RESTifarians find it "logical"--
    even the true "Tao of Web"; other people like to throw everything into
    one hopper and then struggle to figure out how to demultiplex. CPPA
    tries to accomodate both ends of the spectrum. I don't think there is
    any misalignment so far. Unless Messaging tries to stipulate which way
    to go, I think they are compatible. Personally I favor a tolerant
    framework that allows both styles. 

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