OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

Re: [office] Propsal: numbered paragraphs/headings without number

  • 1.  Re: [office] Propsal: numbered paragraphs/headings without number

    Posted 09-03-2004 10:11
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [office] Propsal: numbered paragraphs/headings without number

    Hello Michael,
    On Friday 03 September 2004 10:31, Michael Brauer wrote:
    > What we have overseen for both situations is that some office 
    > applications have a feature where a paragraph or heading actually has a 
    > list style assigned but gets no number. Such paragraphs and headings are 
    > formatted like being in a list, that is, they get the margins and text 
    > indent specified in the list style, but no number is displayed in front 
    > of it, and the number counter associated with a list style is not 
    > increased.
    > For paragraphs contained in a list <(text:list> element, section 4.3), 
    > this situation is covered by the <text:list-header> element (section 
    > 4.3.3). For paragraphs repesented by a <text:numbered-paragraph> element 
    > and headings, no solution exists so far. For this reason, I Would like 
    > to propose to add a "text:is-numbered" attribute to both, the 
    > <text:numbered-paragarph> and the <text:h> element, that specifies 
    > whether the paragarph or heading gets a number. The attribute gets a 
    > boolean value.
    > The default value is "true".
    Is it? Not all paragraphs and headers are numbered... 
    That's what's potentially confusing here - the attribute alone doesn't say whether
    the paragraph is numbered, this also comes from the list style.
    The attribute really means "is-not-numbered-although-the-list-style-says-it-should-be" :)
    If we want to keep the semantic of "list header" then maybe it should be named
    "text:is-list-header" (default value "false" of course). It's less obvious from the name
    what it means visually, but it's more consistent with <text:list-header>.
    Just some thoughts, no real objection.
    David Faure, faure@kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
    Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).

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