OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  [xacml] XACML Context

    Posted 05-04-2002 08:22
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    Subject: [xacml] XACML Context

    Dear Colleagues
    Through the discussions in F2F, TC confcalls, and internal discussions in
    IBM,  I became much confident that the idea of XACML Context is worth
    continuing further. I think that the assertion-neutral XACML Context can
    function as a generic data-level interface between PEP and PDP that is
    independent of any specific programming language and specific assertion
    format. While I am trying to find time to prepare more detailed description
    for XACML Context, it is a little difficult for me to find enough time to
    elaborate since I am still travelling in U.S. I think I cannot attend the
    Monday confcall because of the schedule conflict. I think I will finish my
    homework by the next next confcall (13 May) if I am safely back to Tokyo as
    scheduled. I mean that the discussion on the list should start in the week
    of next TC confcall (16) at the latest. If you have any good idea on XACML
    Context, please let me know and post it to the mailing-list too.
    Michiharu Kudo
    IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Internet Technology
    Tel. +81 (46) 215-4642   Fax +81 (46) 273-7428

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