OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-09-12 (corrected once)

  • 1.  OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-09-12 (corrected once)

    Posted 09-22-2011 19:17
    OpenDocument TC meeting minutes 2011-09-12 ==================================== * Begin 9:32 EDT Attending: +Andreas Guelzow +Doug Mahugh +Eric Patterson +Jos van den Oever Louis Suarez-Potts +Patrick Durusau +Robert Weir +Robin LaFontaine +Svante Schubert +Thorsten Behrens +Thorsten Zachmann +Tristan Mitchell Voting Members are indicated with a + before their name 11/14 voting members present = 78%, so quorum requirements are met. Membership Notes: Dennis is on Leave of Absence * Agenda approved by unanimous consent * The meeting minutes of August 22nd were approved by unanimous consent: * Discussion: ODF maintenance. -Next WG6 call is on Wednesday. * Discussion: ODF 1.2 - Ballot to send ODF 1.2 COS on for OASIS Standard ballot ends Tuesday at 23:45 EDT. * Discussion: ODF 1.3 Robin: Subcommittee met last week. Aiming for draft consensus report: mid/end of September, to include summaries and SWOT analysis of the proposals Patrick: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/201109/msg00007.html Discussion of ODF 1.3 CSD 01 for October. CSD 1.3 02 for April. * Adjourned at 10:10 EDT Attachment: smime.p7s Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature