OASIS Emergency Management TC

Meeting Minutes: 2003.11.18

  • 1.  Meeting Minutes: 2003.11.18

    Posted 11-19-2003 10:47
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    Subject: Meeting Minutes: 2003.11.18

    [Evaluate Liaison Needs]
    * Rex has contact at VoiceXML group at W3C. 
    * He said that he can handle WSRP, Human Markup, and public health. 
    * Some discussions this morning with Carl Reed (OGC) and Eliot (Gov
    side), so those are covered. 
    * Would be great to get John Aerts involved for public safety and law
    enforcement, although his membership is off and on depending on
    * Appears we do not need to formalize. 
    * Rex to send out email to list on who, exactly, we have these informal
    liaisons with, so we are all on the same page. Completed at the time of
    sending the minutes
    [Meeting Next Week]
    * Several people on holiday - group agreed to cancel meeting and
    reconnect following week. Will use the list for any discussions during
    this time.
    [CAP Comments]
    8: Allen updates group on where this issue came from
    (http://www.incident.com/pipermail/cap-interop/2003-September/000105.html). After further review, the details of this are covered in various other issues, such as #5 and #7, so it was voted to mark as duplicate.
    7: IF SC has sent out first draft document to start to cover this type
    of thing - looking for comments. 
    * Gary has done some research into ebXML, which has gone over these
    types of issues in detail in their efforts. Comments that there might be
    some issues where CAP has some elements that might be best put in the
    wrapper (ie: ebXML). Additionally, some of these are down in <info>,
    rather than in the header. 
    * Kon comments that they have metadata that contains this. 
    * Eliot: not sure it is right that being embedding is the issue, since
    the many <info> each has routing issues. 
    * Gary: maybe there needs to be some kind of aggregated routing info. 
    * Art: provides some details on how it could be done using the other
    elements, so it is possible.
    * Rick: comments that this makes the case for an implementors guide. Can
    be done, but needs clarification/guidance. 
    * Carl: mentions that the IETF is working on a privacy standard to allow
    rules to be passed with documents. IFSC going to look into this point. 
    * Group votes to mark Resolved and to address outside of CAP. Eliot
    disagrees. Rex comments that a binary is an exception. There is a
    dependency (from a resolution standpoint) on issue #9 with this one.
    Group decides to hold on marking Resolved, and to put back at Need More
    Info until we get proposed language for #9 (see below).
    9: Rick: Kon and Art have been working on schema language to support
    this. Art goes on to say that they have been batting around specific
    language about this. He and Kon to circulate proposed language to group.
    Rex: brings up question about a potential need for rewriting part of the
    spec. I am going to try to summarize here, rather than capture all
    details, but basically it appears there are some "larger" things, such
    as the binary attachment issue (#9), that may need to make it into the
    spec we submit as an OASIS Standard. This means we would have to retest
    and go back through the review process, which would result in something
    like a v1.1 that would be submitted.
    29: Lot's of discussion around the intension of these edits. Group
    wishes not to open up a whole new lot of comments/questions, and at the
    same time the discussion on if we move CAP 1.0 toward full OASIS
    Standard status or not (versus a revised 1.1) plays in here. Allen will
    send example of the edit.
    16: Given Gary's persistence to see this included, the group voted to
    approve and to formally call this "Gary's Issue" going forward.
    30: Art comments that this is technically possible. Various discussion
    around it - Allen to propose some language.
    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee

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