OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC

Minutes of BDXR TC meeting 27 June 2012

  • 1.  Minutes of BDXR TC meeting 27 June 2012

    Posted 07-05-2012 15:13
    MEETING MINUTES OF BDXR TC MEETING 27 JUNE 2012 ATTENDANCE Jens Aabol Roger Bass Kenneth Bengtsson (chair) Jon Bosak Juan Carlos Cruellas Pim van der Eijk Dale Moberg Sven Rasmussen Susanne Wigard STATUS AND PROGRESS OF USE CASE Dale presented a document with use cases for metadata service location using DDDS (Dynamic Delegation Discovery Service). We discussed that one possibility for intercloud party identification and resolution could be a sort of “sequence of queries” method, where gateways would first try to locate a participant in one metadata service locator and if not found, try the next metadata service locator in the sequence. A alternative using URN resolution was also discussed. There has been an offline discussion about this, which will be forwarded to the TC mailing list. Kenneth will update the terminology page on the TC wiki with Dale’s additions. We agreed to have a “use case homepage” on the TC wiki with links to individual use cases, and to have a separate wiki page for each use case. Kenneth will create the use case homepage, a use case template page, and add Dale’s use cases to the wiki. Use cases for PEPPOL and for e-CODEX are still in the making. FURTHER DISCUSSION ABOUT E- CODEX REQUIREMENTS Susanne presented specific e-CODEX requirements for discovery not previously discussed in the TC. The presentation is available here: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=46416&wg_abbrev=bdxr A specifically notable condition for e-CODEX is that the final destination of a document is not necessarily known to the sender, but is determined based on a set of criteria. This is different from previously discussed requirements, where the recipient is always known before sending a document. The general feeling was that this new “discovery layer” was out of bound for the TC, but at the same time was discussed different ways it can be achieved, for example using CPP. Discussion to be continued. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business for this meeting. MEETING SCHEDULE July 11 2012, conference call July 25 2012, conference call August 8 2012, conference call Face2face meeting expected September 2012 in coordination with UN/CEFACT Plenary. Kenneth Bengtsson