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Subject: [ebxml-msg] The negotiated meeting cost for the OASIS TC to defer thecost of meeting rooms and support
I have not heard much dissent so in accordance with the usual OASIS
TC conventions, it looks like a go for the San Diego March 10 to 14
and CPPA extravaganza. Agendas to follow.
Please let me know if you plan to come for either or both sessions, and
I will
prepare the list for Messaging and CPPA.
We are getting a room, with no AV--so let me know if you can bring a
laptop projector.
The meeting fees for our room use will be $125 per person, for those
staying in the hotel.
For those not staying at the hotel, the fee goes to $175.
I will send a URL for hotel and related conference information as soon
as I track one down.
Dale Moberg
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