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Subject: Re: [office] Open Office XML Format TC Meeting Minutes 6 October2003
Hi David,
David Faure wrote:
> On Thursday 09 October 2003 14:24, Michael Brauer wrote:
>>- The table:topleftcorner, etc. attributes will be called
>>table:top-begin-corner etc.
> Wasn't that top-start-corner instead, for consistency with "start" as a paragraph alignment?
> The other one is "end" of course.
In fact, my notes say it was "table:first-begin-corner", and I wrongly
wrote "table:top-begin-corner" in the minutes. I agree that "start"
would be the better name than "begin".
I think we should clarify the attribute names in todays meeting. We
might also consider to rename the "table:first-col" and "table:last-col"
elements to "table:start-col" and "table:end-col" for consistency.
Best regards
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