OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) TC

  • 1.  Some remarks on the "Fieldmarks" proposal from Florian Reuter

    Posted 08-12-2008 07:36
    Dear TC members,
    I did not see any further progress on the "Fieldmarks" proposal from
    Florian Reuter.
    Thus, I would like to give my remarks on this proposal with the hope
    that the work on the proposal will continue.
    In general I support the idea behind this proposal.
    It would provide a possible solution for the feature request given in
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200710/msg00120.html and
    discussed on the mailing list in the following thread. Based on this
    feature request possible solutions had been discussed on the mailing
    list - see
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200711/msg00018.html and the
    following thread. At the end a certain proposal for this feature request
    has been withdrawn - see
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/office/200801/msg00041.html - in
    order to provide something more general. According to this Florian
    Reuter created the first version of his "Fieldmarks" proposal on
    2008-02-14 and had put it into our TC's wiki. He announces this wiki
    entry in our TC call on 2008-03-03 - see
    I have to admit that due to lack of time I could not continue my work on
    this in the last months. But Florian did not lose the focus and brought
    it back to attention through his "Fieldmarks" proposal.
    Following are some remarks of mine, which I like to see solved:
    (1) Question to the proposer (already asked on 2008-07-14 in the TC call
    discussion of this proposal):
    What is the reason for the introduction of a new namespace "field" for
    the "Fieldmarks"?
    I currently see no reason for a new namespace.
    A definition for the new namespace is also not given in the proposal.
    I have no problem with the introduction of a new namespace, if there is
    a good reason for it.
    Please provide a reason and the definition for the new namespace "field".
    If there is no particular reason for this new namespace, I suggest to
    put the new elements and properties of this proposal into the namespace
    "text" - probably this would cause an adjustment of its names (e.g. 
    field:type --> text:field-type).
    (2) It is stated in the proposal text that the "Fieldmarks" need to be
    properly nested.
    This is not assured by the current proposal. The reason for this is that
    the content of the proposed element 

  • 2.  Re: [office] Some remarks on the "Fieldmarks" proposal from FlorianReuter

    Posted 08-12-2008 08:42
    Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems wrote:

  • 3.  Re: [office] Some remarks on the "Fieldmarks" proposal from FlorianReuter

    Posted 08-12-2008 12:09
    Dear TC members,
    Patrick Durusau wrote:
    > Oliver,
    > Oliver-Rainer Wittmann - Software Engineer - Sun Microsystems wrote: