Dear all
Below find my proposal for explaining the discovery of capabilities of "resources" using SMP to be discussed at this Wednesday's TC meeting (feel free to send your comments in advance!). I have tentatively put it in the introductory
section of the specification. The Text in black is from our current SMP committee specification (02), and the text in blue is my added proposal:
1.1 Introduction
This document describes the protocol and its binding to a REST interface for Service Metadata Publication within a 4-corner network. It defines the messages exchanged between a Service Metadata Publisher and a client wishing to discover
endpoint information. A client can either be an end-user business application or an Access Point in a 4-corner network.
It also specifies how these message exchanges should be implemented using a REST transport interface. The SMP protocol itself however is open for binding to other transport protocols like AS4. Such bindings can be specified in future specifications.
SMP is typically used to discover endpoint information and capabilities between entities exchanging business documents in a 4-cornered network. In some 4-cornered networks, such as is
the case in the European eHealth domain, business information is being exchanged in different structured forms than as documents. The label “document” used in the data model of this specification may in such networks be interpreted as referring to any resource
that is being exchanged in the network.
Best regards,