OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EM-TC Meeting Reminder - Quorum is needed!

    Posted 12-22-2009 02:04
    There WILL be an EM-TC meeting tomorrow December 22, 2009 as 
    scheduled at 12:00 ET.  Please be prepared for the following agenda:
    1.  Review/correct/accept meeting notes for 11/24/09 and 
    12/8/09.  These are in first draft review and will be posted by mid morning.
    2.  CAP 1.2.  This document along with the issue list was posted to 
    the TC for review by Jacob 12/13/09 after being voted out of the 
    Msg/Not SC.  There will be three votes; 1) To accept as a Committee 
    Draft, 2) To recognize there are or are not substantive changes and 
    3) to request OASIS TC Admin to start a ballot for a Committee 
    Specification vote.
    3.  HAVE/RM Errata.  While we have completed the 15-day PR on both of 
    these Standards, before they will be listed as an "Approved Errata" 
    according to our process, the TC needs to have a majority 
    vote.  Please review the documents posted on the EM-TC site, 
    Specifications folder.  Both the updated document and the tracked 
    changes document are posted there for HAVE and RM.
    4.  EM-TC Public page update.  Werner has done a great job updating 
    our public page that was woefully out of date.  He has sent a copy to 
    the list and posted it in the contribution folder in the TC documents 
    12/14.  Please have any corrections or changes to this or otherwise 
    be prepared to accept them.
    5.  The RIM SC has made some changes to the Welcome to the RIM 
    document and would like the TC to accept these changes.  The links 
    were posted by Rex to the list 12/17 with a request for the TC to advance.
    Thank you for all your hard work this year in promoting emergency 
    Standards!  Let's finish out the year with this completing this 
    agenda and looking forward to the opportunities of 2010.
    Elysa Jones, Chair
    CTO Warning Systems, Inc.

  • 2.  Questions on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile / CAP 1.2

    Posted 12-22-2009 12:24
    Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
    Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
    phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012
    mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com  
    P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
    I have a couple of questions for the group on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile /
    CAP 1.2 from one of our engineers. 
    As of CAP 1.1, OASIS allows CAP alerts to be ASN.1 encoded.  Will we see
    any such messages relating to the IPAWS profile and CAP 1.2 standard?  I
    suspect that we will eventually, since a lot of EAS equipment is
    probably already involved with the PSTN.
    If the ASN.1 schema in the CAP standard works correctly now under CAP
    1.1, then it shouldn't be difficult to build a testing tool to convert
    back and forth between XML and ASN.1 encoded CAP messages. Are there any
    issues here?
    If there are issues, then should there be any encoding done for IPAWS
    profile / CAP 1.2 standard for ASN.1?
    Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
    Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
    phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012
    mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] Questions on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile / CAP 1.2

    Posted 12-22-2009 14:00
    Hi Tim,
    This is the first time that I've heard ASN.1 encoded CAP messages in 
    relation to any US-specific implementation, so I'll have to plead 
    ignorance on this. I was under the impression that while this is 
    allowable, e.g. not specifically discouraged, in US-Canada, it was 
    mainly aimed at European countries/communities.
    Gilmore, Timothy wrote:
    > Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
    > Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
    > phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012
    > mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com  
    > P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
    > I have a couple of questions for the group on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile /
    > CAP 1.2 from one of our engineers. 
    > As of CAP 1.1, OASIS allows CAP alerts to be ASN.1 encoded.  Will we see
    > any such messages relating to the IPAWS profile and CAP 1.2 standard?  I
    > suspect that we will eventually, since a lot of EAS equipment is
    > probably already involved with the PSTN.
    > If the ASN.1 schema in the CAP standard works correctly now under CAP
    > 1.1, then it shouldn't be difficult to build a testing tool to convert
    > back and forth between XML and ASN.1 encoded CAP messages. Are there any
    > issues here?
    > If there are issues, then should there be any encoding done for IPAWS
    > profile / CAP 1.2 standard for ASN.1?
    > Thanks,
    > Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
    > Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
    > phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012
    > mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    > generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php 
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 4.  RE: [emergency] Questions on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile / CAP 1.2

    Posted 12-23-2009 16:51

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] Questions on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile / CAP 1.2

    Posted 12-23-2009 17:24
    Thanks Alessandro,
    Appreciated muchly.
    Alessandro Triglia wrote: