Hi Tim,
This is the first time that I've heard ASN.1 encoded CAP messages in
relation to any US-specific implementation, so I'll have to plead
ignorance on this. I was under the impression that while this is
allowable, e.g. not specifically discouraged, in US-Canada, it was
mainly aimed at European countries/communities.
Gilmore, Timothy wrote:
> Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
> Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
> phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012
> mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email.
> I have a couple of questions for the group on ASN.1 and IPAWS Profile /
> CAP 1.2 from one of our engineers.
> As of CAP 1.1, OASIS allows CAP alerts to be ASN.1 encoded. Will we see
> any such messages relating to the IPAWS profile and CAP 1.2 standard? I
> suspect that we will eventually, since a lot of EAS equipment is
> probably already involved with the PSTN.
> If the ASN.1 schema in the CAP standard works correctly now under CAP
> 1.1, then it shouldn't be difficult to build a testing tool to convert
> back and forth between XML and ASN.1 encoded CAP messages. Are there any
> issues here?
> If there are issues, then should there be any encoding done for IPAWS
> profile / CAP 1.2 standard for ASN.1?
> Thanks,
> Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
> Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
> phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012
> mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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