Submitter's message This is the version showing all changes, with comments as to why. -- Toby Considine Document Name : ei-cts-v1.0-wd14-showing-changes.docx Description Multiple documents in this cache as we continue to resolve issues from Jira. The editor continues to try to tag each change with the issue it is related to. This is not universally followed by all participants.
The proposed changes that were voted as accepted on in the last meeting have been applied to this draft.
There are versions showing all changes, with comments as to why, versions showing the new documents with changes accepted, but with comments indicating why the indicated text has changed, and a final clean copy ready for work going forward. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Toby Considine Group : OASIS Energy Interoperation TC Folder : Standards Date submitted : 2022-02-22 08:24:09