UBL Transportation SC

UBL Transportation Component Model

  • 1.  UBL Transportation Component Model

    Posted 10-12-2005 04:03
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    ubl-tsc message

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    Subject: UBL Transportation Component Model

            Here is the Component Model diagram in which I incorporate the
    COO and DTTN classes as suggested before. Most of the class attributes
    are filled in except those DTTN classes. Please have a look and discuss
    if there is any comment in the coming meeting. Thanks a lot!
    Ng Chi Yuen, CY.       cyng@cecid.hku.hk       http://www.cecid.hku.hk/
    Technology Officer,
    Centre for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development,
    The University of Hong Kong


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