UBL Naming and Design Rules SC

RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Position Paper: Modeling Roles in UBL revision 3

  • 1.  RE: [ubl-ndrsc] Position Paper: Modeling Roles in UBL revision 3

    Posted 02-25-2002 13:04
    At 06:44 PM 2/25/02 +0100, Matthew Gertner wrote:
    >I really like this idea and would respond as follows to your questions:
    > > - Should types that are functionally abstract (i.e., are never used
    > >    directly in assigning a type to a native UBL element) be declared
    > >    literally abstract, so that extension designers couldn't use them
    > >    directly themselves without further work?
    >Yes, unless I misunderstand the question. This would eliminate the risk that
    >people would use the abstract type directly, and would serve a useful
    >documentation purpose by identifying the type as a base for extensions
    >rather than as a type to be used in its own right.
    I agree with you.  This also allows them to be a different kind of "thing" 
    in the dictionary (see below).
    > > - What are the criteria for creating a more deeply nested type
    > >    hierarchy in any one case?  To what extent should structural
    > >    commonalities be factored into the ancestor type?
    >This cuts to the heart of good object-oriented design. They key here is that
    >the hierarchy should only branch if there are concrete differences between
    >the branches. For example, if OrderHeaderType, InvoiceHeaderType and
    >ASNHeaderType all have something in common, they could have a common base
    >type called HeaderType. If OrderHeaderType and ASNHeaderType have some
    >further similarities because they are both used by buying organizations,
    >there could be an additional type (derived from HeaderType) called
    >BuyerHeaderType which they are derived from.
    >That said, I would avoid making more than one abstract level if at all
    >possible, since I'm guessing it would confuse people not familiar with OO
    I suspect we won't need or want super-nested types with tiny differences, 
    but we'll have to see.  Factoring out commonalities gives such a huge 
    benefit to all kinds of processing that there's an incentive to nest at 
    least somewhat.
    The problem is that it's always possible to create "trivial" ancestors that 
    contain ever-smaller subsets of the material shared by all, and it's a 
    matter of UBL design theory to figure out when the subset is useful vs. 
    As an example, in SAML, there are five types of statement, defined in the 
    following hierarchy:
    o StatementType (abstract; contains nothing)
       . SubjectStatementType (abstract; adds a Subject element)
         - AuthenticationStatementType (adds authN-specific stuff)
         - AttributeStatementType (adds attrib-specific stuff)
         - AuthorizationDecisionStatementType (adds authZ-specific stuff)
    We added StatementType and SubjectStatementType specifically as extension 
    points, and each has some minimal semantics.  If we were just factoring out 
    commonalities, we wouldn't have needed StatementType.
    > > - How should ancestor types be documented in the dictionary?  What
    > >    kinds of "things" are they?
    >Maybe one criterion for creating an ancestor type in the first place should
    >be that it is a "thing" that can be defined in some useful way. If there
    >isn't something specific you can say about HeaderType, it probably isn't a
    This is a "soft" criterion, but I think in practice it would work much like 
    Bill's notion of roles.  I bet there's always something that can be said 
    about such items.  (Bill, what do you think about the potential for mapping 
    abstract types to roles?...)
    Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
    Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center   eve.maler @ sun.com