OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC

Catalog errata that didn't get updated

  • 1.  Catalog errata that didn't get updated

    Posted 09-08-2016 17:46
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    Our wiki page for tracking errata lists a couple of items for our catalogs that didn't make it into our errata: https://wiki.oasis-open.org/dita/DITA%201.3%20Errata One is that in 1.3, we dropped all of the 1.x identifiers. This will be a rather tedious update but should probably be used to start our errata 2 list. We really should make that fix. The other one is a minor fix - I don't know if it's too late to go into our package or not. A couple of catalog identifiers changed between 1.2 and 1.3, meaning that DITA 1.2 based shells cannot upgrade until catalogs are manually corrected. This should have been fixed in the errata; we agreed to the update on June 7, but did not create an action item for anybody to do the update. This was noticed after I'd done previous catalog updates, so was not part of my earlier changes. The fixes we expected there were specifically for the machinery constraint module and for the classification domain MOD file (worth noting that the classification domain ENT file needs the same fix). Regards, Robert D. Anderson DITA-OT lead and Co-editor DITA 1.3 specification , Digital Services Group E-mail: robander@us.ibm.com Digital Services Group 11501 BURNET RD,, TX, 78758-3400, AUSTIN, USA