Submitter's message DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Minutes: 20 July 2016
The DocBook Technical Committee met on Wednesday,
20 July 2016 at 2:00pm ET
1. Roll call
Present: Bob Stayton, Scott Hudson, Larry Rowland,
and Dick Hamilton. Quorum met.
2. Accepted the minutes [1] of the previous meeting.
3. Next meeting: 17 August 2016
4. Review of the agenda.
Bob: add discussion about handling minutes.
5. Review of open action items
a. Norm to review the non-normative XML Schema version of 5.1
to make sure it has all the latest changes.
b. Norm to complete his XInclude implementation.
c. Bob to investigate assembly for XInclude equivalents.
d. Larry will look into ISO standards for admonitions.
COMPLETE: see discussion below
New Item: How to handle minutes.
We will start using the OASIS process, which archives the minutes
and sends them to the TC mailing list. Dick will cc the DocBook mailing list.
6. Status of stagedir elements in Publisher's. See [2].
Email from Radu Coravu reported that and
are not in the publisher's schema as distributed with Oxygen. This led
to a discussion of where the schema should live in its current state.
These elements depend on 5.1, so they are not in the OASIS repository.
ACTION: Bob will discuss with Norm how Publisher's fits into the Github structure.
ACTION: Scott will verify that the items accepted for 1.1 are represented in a schema,
make that schema available, and respond to the email.
7. DocBook 5.1 release
Bob spoke with Chet Ensign to see what needs to happen to make 5.1
a Candidate OASIS Standard. The changes are all formatting and do not
require changes to the standard. Norm set up a custom process to build
the deliverables. Bob converted the files and process back to the method
OASIS uses and is now using the OASIS standard tools. He created a version
of the Candidate OASIS Standard using those tools and sent it to Chet on
Monday. Once Chet has approved the format, it will be sent to the OASIS
membership for a vote.
8. Admonitions
Larry Rowland reviewed standards for admonitions. He suggests adding .
The TC agree to add as a new admonition.
The TC also discussed whether there should be an attribute that can be used to
specify a particular standard for admonitions (e.g., ANSI or ISO). The TC decided
that this should be strictly a stylesheet question and not part of the standard.
Scott asked, what about safety instructions? This is an ANSI spec, but not ISO
(at the moment; the two standards are being unified, which might cause this to
be added to the unified spec).
TC discussed whether to add a general element to cover cases
such as safety instructions. This element would be the same as the others,
except would be required. This question was left open, in part because
There is an open question as to whether the class attribute, which this element
might use, is always enumerated or could be left open.
9. Review of Requests for Enhancement
To browse a specific RFE on sourceforge, enter the URL (on one line): RFEs to revisit for 6.0
247 1907003 biblioid content model too broad
RFEs under discussion
Ticket Tracker
260 2820947 Ability to transclude text
273 3035565 Allow sections at any level
291 3491860 license tag (hold for 5.2)
306 Allow Block Elements inside abstract
Github Issues
To browse an issue on Github, use this URL: replacing X with the issue number.
6 Add buildtarget element
7 Allow revnumber inline.
ACTION: Bob will discuss issues 6 and 7 with Jirka.
54 Add XIncludes to Assembly Schema
CONTINUED (see action item above)
55 Add to list of admonitions
Based on the discussion in item 8 about, this was APPROVED.
No new RFEs.
[1] [2] -- Mr. Richard Hamilton Document Name : Meeting Minutes 20 July 2016 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Mr. Richard Hamilton Group : OASIS DocBook TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2016-07-20 12:21:23