Original Message --------
I am finding the Hierarchical profile ambiguous and inconsistent and
therefore incomprehensible, which may, similarly to the Multi-Resource
profile be because there are essential contextual paradigms missing
from the specification.
For the Multi-Resource profile, the missing contextual paradigms
* It is necessary to pre-process the multi-resource request and
submit individual requests to the PDP, and then to package up the
responses into a single response.
* The PDP, itself, can only process Request elements that in 2.0
contain a single Resource element, single Action element, single
Environment element, and multiple Subject elements, but each
Subject element has to have a distinct SubjectCategory attribute,
and in 3.0 there can be multiple Attributes elements, but each has
to have a distinct Category attribute.
Once the above paradigms are established, the Multi-Resource profiles
become comprehensible.
I suspect something similar is going on w the Hierarchical profile
Here is the background on the Hierarchical profile that I am trying to
work thru (each bullet represents a potential issue to resolve or
suggestion for improvement):
* There needs to be a definition of "hierarchy". In particular, a
"hierarchy" defn should state that the fundamental properties are
that there must be a single root node with no parent, and that
every other node in the hierarchy must have one and only one
parent, and can have zero, one, or more children.
* Section 3.2 is the biggest problem. To begin, the following needs
confirmation: it appears that the key structural sentence for 3.2
that explains what the four bullets that follow it are is lines
314-315 (which is sandwiched between a negative statement on
ResourceContent and subsequent 3 sentence "note") that state:
o "The request context <Resource> element SHALL contain
following elements and XML attributes."
* Each of the 4 bullets in section 3.2 contains the phrase "(for
each) normative representation (of some node ...)". I think this
is the core of the problem I am having understanding this spec.
What I think it means is that for a given collection of physical
resources, such as files in a file system, that in additional to
the conventional file identification by directory path, which
includes all the files in the file system, that other logical
hierarchies that can span part or all of this set of resources
also needs to be taken into account. And that the "normative
identity" of a specific "file" is within the context of a specific
hierarchy. i.e. each hierarchy that covers all or part of this set
of resources has its own "namespace" and within that namespace has
a scheme for hierarchically naming its members. As such, a given
physical resource can belong to any number of these hierarchies
simultaneously, and has one "normative representation" for each
hierarchy it belongs to. And presumably, the point is that each
hierarchy the resource belongs to may have its own restrictions to
apply to resource, so we have to identify all of them to get the
full picture.
* Given the above characterization of the multiple "hierarchies" a
given resource can belong to, it then appears that the four
bullets in section 3.2 state that in order to submit a request,
one has to somehow identify all the hierarchies the given node
belongs to, all the hierarchies the node's parent(s) and ancestors
to, and include an Attribute element for each.
* There appears to be some over-specification above and beyond what
is presumably intended (assuming the above characterizes what is
"presumably intended"). For example, since a node in a hierarchy
can have only one parent, and if a node belongs to multiple
hierarchies, then that node will have one and only one parent for
each hierarchy it belongs to, the following sentence (lines
324-325) appears to doubly state this relationship:
o "For each immediate parent of the node specified in the
“resource-id” attribute or attributes, and for each
normative representation of that parent node ..."
i.e. the node specified in the resource-id can only have one
parent wrt the the node's normative representation with a
specific hierarchy. There seems to be no point to looking at
a parent node in any other context than the normative
context of the resource-id node. i.e. if a node only belongs
to one hierarchy, but its parent belongs to many, then the
other hierarchies the parent belongs to should have no
impact on the child since the child is not a member of those
Assuming the above characterization is even close to correct, I am
still wondering "why" all this information is being assembled and what
the Policy is expected to do with it. i.e. what is the policy
evaluation paradigm that is being represented here? I suspect that at
most one would need to collect all the normative representations of
only the resource-id node (i.e. identify all the hierarchies it belongs
to), then for each hierarchy, one would evaluate the policies that
apply to that hierarchy.
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