Slides for OASIS Symposium

  • 1.  Slides for OASIS Symposium

    Posted 04-25-2005 12:15
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    Subject: Slides for OASIS Symposium

    OASIS is going to do a survey of the TCs at the OASIS Symposium this
    week. I just noticed this weekend that they had asked us to send them
    some slides. Attached are the slides that I sent. If you've got
    comments or suggestions, let me know, but I think the deadline for
    changes is today (25 Apr 2005).


                                            Be seeing you,
    Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | What is more wonderful than the
    http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | delight which the mind feels when
    Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | it *knows*? This delight is not
                                       | for anything beyond the knowing,
                                       | but is in the act of knowing. It
                                       | is the satisfaction of a primary
                                       | instinct.--Mark Rutherford

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