OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC

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AW: [ubl] To Comment "a.8" of 1.0 isses 20040721

  • 1.  AW: [ubl] To Comment "a.8" of 1.0 isses 20040721

    Posted 07-27-2004 07:14
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    Subject: AW: [ubl] To Comment "a.8" of 1.0 isses 20040721

    Title: Nachricht
    Hello Mark,
    I have reviewed the documents only partially. But that what I had seen was very confusing and not a very consistent and clean modelling approach. I does not reflect our NDR guidelines. That is right, if we're using the Garden of Eden approach, all elements to be qualified in the instance document. Otherwise is the implementation of schemas into applications and the processing by this applications not very easy.
    Kind regards,
    -----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----
    Von: MCRAWFORD@lmi.org [mailto:MCRAWFORD@lmi.org]
    Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Juli 2004 05:19
    An: Stuhec, Gunther; jon.bosak@sun.com
    Cc: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
    Betreff: RE: [ubl] To Comment "a.8" of 1.0 isses 20040721

    In reviewing the instance documents, this problem is more widespread than just local element declarations that are unqualified.  There are some other BBIEs that are also unqualified.  NDR intended for ALL elements to be qualified in the instance document regardless of their origin.

    From: Stuhec, Gunther [mailto:gunther.stuhec@sap.com]
    Sent: Mon 7/26/2004 7:12 AM
    To: 'jon.bosak@sun.com'
    Cc: ubl@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: AW: [ubl] To Comment "a.8" of 1.0 isses 20040721

    Hello Jon,

    I said in comment "a.8" that some ag names are prefixed by namespace prefix and others not. Sorry that was a mistake from my side. Because I have seen now, that this schema-representation comes from rule [ELD2] "All element declarations MUST be global with the exception of ID and Code which MUST be local.". This requires implicitly that the local declared element must be prefixed, if the elements are qualified (See rule [GXS1] "UBL Schema MUST conform to the following physical layout as applicable:").

    But I have to say anyway that these rules confuse the implementors and the users. I got many questions about this from some colleagues. They can't understand, why the handling of elements are different.

    Kind regards,


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