I understand the concern, Art,
Since actions speak louder than words, I will let my actions speak. I
wish I had a genuine preference in the issue of including Appendix B,
but I don't. Unless or until someone actually asks me to do something
beyond the OASIS TC Process or to support a specific action, I'll
have no reason to change my position.
At 8:24 AM -0800 2/20/09, Art Botterell wrote:
>Can't blame you for wanting to put that on the record, Rex, but I
>should point out that the issue isn't just whether you've received
>explicit instructions, but whether you (or any other DHS contractor)
>could reasonably be expected to act independently when DHS
>representatives have expressed a strong preference, given that your
>(their) own livelihood is involved.
>- Art
>>>> Rex Brooks