OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC

  • 1.  Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-19-2010 12:14
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  • 2.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-19-2010 20:27
    Two questions I have on the current draft:
    1)  Section discusses possible values of wsa:Action.
    Should this become a Pmode parameter?
    2)  In the section "Compliance with the SOAP Processing
    Model", we describe how the ebMS headers that are used for
    routing are targeted to MSHs acting in the
    11/nextmsh role.  My question is: should the wsa:To header
    (with value
    811/icloud") also be targeted to this node?  And what about

  • 3.  Re: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-19-2010 22:40
    Comments inline

    On 19/01/2010 21:27, "Pim Eijk, van der" <pvde@sonnenglanz.net> wrote:

    Two questions I have on the current draft:

    1)  Section discusses possible values of wsa:Action.
    Should this become a Pmode parameter?
    <safi>There’s a recommendation how these values should be set, so I would think no configuration parameter needs to be defined in the spec. If an implementation want to deviate from the recommendation it can do so but I would leave it to the implementation how it does that.

    2)  In the section "Compliance with the SOAP Processing
    Model", we describe how the ebMS headers that are used for
    routing are targeted to MSHs acting in the
    11/nextmsh role.  My question is: should the wsa:To header
    (with value
    811/icloud") also be targeted to this node?  And what about
    <safi>It indeed seems logical to target all WS-A headers to this role</safi>


  • 4.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-20-2010 19:37
    inline <JD>

    From: Sander Fieten [mailto:sander@fieten-it.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 2:40 PM
    To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Comments inline

    On 19/01/2010 21:27, "Pim Eijk, van der" <pvde@sonnenglanz.net> wrote:

    Two questions I have on the current draft:

    1)  Section discusses possible values of wsa:Action.
    Should this become a Pmode parameter?
    <safi>There’s a recommendation how these values should be set, so I would think no configuration parameter needs to be defined in the spec. If an implementation want to deviate from the recommendation it can do so but I would leave it to the implementation how it does that.
    <JD> Yes, but the Action value is not set by the EPR as opposed to what we apparently said in our spec (
     Section 3.3 of core WSA spec says: " [action]: this property is required, but is not populated from the EPR. " . And indeed, I do not see Action in the EPR def which has {address + ref param + metadata}. This Action is a "abstract message property" that apparently we can't rely on the EPR PMode parameters to define: may need a special PMode parameter - at least in case of User Messages.

    2)  In the section "Compliance with the SOAP Processing
    Model", we describe how the ebMS headers that are used for
    routing are targeted to MSHs acting in the
    11/nextmsh role.  My question is: should the wsa:To header
    (with value
    811/icloud") also be targeted to this node?  And what about
    <safi>It indeed seems logical to target all WS-A headers to this role</safi> 

  • 5.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-20-2010 19:42
    On (2):
    How about the reverse: using the icloud URI instead of the nextmsh URI? (also easier to update spec...)

    From: Sander Fieten [mailto:sander@fieten-it.com]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 2:40 PM
    To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Comments inline

    On 19/01/2010 21:27, "Pim Eijk, van der" <pvde@sonnenglanz.net> wrote:

    Two questions I have on the current draft:

    1)  Section discusses possible values of wsa:Action.
    Should this become a Pmode parameter?
    <safi>There’s a recommendation how these values should be set, so I would think no configuration parameter needs to be defined in the spec. If an implementation want to deviate from the recommendation it can do so but I would leave it to the implementation how it does that.

    2)  In the section "Compliance with the SOAP Processing
    Model", we describe how the ebMS headers that are used for
    routing are targeted to MSHs acting in the
    11/nextmsh role.  My question is: should the wsa:To header
    (with value
    811/icloud") also be targeted to this node?  And what about
    <safi>It indeed seems logical to target all WS-A headers to this role</safi>


    -----Original Message-----
    From: ian.c.jones@bt.com [mailto:ian.c.jones@bt.com]
    Sent: 19 January 2010 13:14
    To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call


         weekly reminder - please review Jacques proposed
    rewording and Sanders lastest draft from last week.


     -- Mr. Ian Jones

    ebXML Messaging TC weekly call has been added by Mr. Ian

    Date:  Wednesday, 20 January 2010
    Time:  11:30am - 01:00pm PT

    Event Description:
    Event Description:
    ebXML Messaging TC weekly call

    Tel: +1-218-486-8700
    Pass code 120905

    1. Role
    2. Approval of previous minutes
    3. V3 Advanced features - bundling
    4. V3 Final review
    5. AS4 - Updates
    6. A.O.B.


    View event details:

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  • 6.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-20-2010 20:58
    Here is some clarification on question 2:
    There are two URIs:  one is the value for wsa:To (the icloud
    URI) and the other the value of the actor/role attribute of
    SOAP header blocks targeted to specific actors/roles (such
    as the ebms nextmsh role, discussed in the section on
    "Compliance with the SOAP Processing Mode" starting at line
    473, this used to be and should be a section). 
    The point is that an intermediary should look at the ebMS
    WS-A reference parameter SOAP header IF AND ONLY IF the
    wsa:To element has a specific value.  But the intermediary
    will not "understand" the wsa:To value if it is not
    targeted.  And it should not interpret the reference
    parameter if the wsa:To has a different value than any role
    it assumes (including the ebms nextmsh role). So it looks as
    if both SOAP headers should be targeted at the intermediary
    node. If the wsa:To has a different value, then we do not
    want the reference parameter to be processed at all. The
    spec right now only talks about the reference parameter.

  • 7.  RE: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added

    Posted 01-20-2010 19:41
         I can not get on the phone bridge I keep getting a busy signal - Pim called me and said he is getting music is anyone on?
    From: ian.c.jones@bt.com [ian.c.jones@bt.com]
    Sent: 19 January 2010 12:13
    To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: [ebxml-msg] Groups - ebXML Messaging TC weekly call added
         weekly reminder - please review Jacques proposed rewording and Sanders
    lastest draft from last week.
     -- Mr. Ian Jones
    ebXML Messaging TC weekly call has been added by Mr. Ian Jones
    Date:  Wednesday, 20 January 2010
    Time:  11:30am - 01:00pm PT
    Event Description:
    Event Description:
    ebXML Messaging TC weekly call
    Tel: +1-218-486-8700
    Pass code 120905
    1. Role
    2. Approval of previous minutes
    3. V3 Advanced features - bundling
    4. V3 Final review
    5. AS4 - Updates
    6. A.O.B.
    View event details:
    PLEASE NOTE:  If the above link does not work for you, your email
    application may be breaking the link into two pieces.  You may be able to
    copy and paste the entire link address into the address field of your web