OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC

  • 1.  FW: IDtrust - Call for Papers Deadline - Nov 17

    Posted 11-12-2007 15:32
    The group asked about an XACML panel for NIST IDtrust 2008. Can someone take
    on the task of creating a five page (or less) document?
    Do we know who would like to be on the panel at NIST?

  • 2.  Re: [xacml] FW: IDtrust - Call for Papers Deadline - Nov 17

    Posted 11-12-2007 17:33
    Since I was the one who proposed a panel for XACML rather than competing 
    tracks from TC members, I can take the job of the creating the proposal, 
    provided I know who else and what topics need to be on the panel......
    This is an open invitation to everyone on the list to send topics to be 
    on the panel, if you intend to participate. If you would like to send 
    private emails to me, then that is fine.
    Dee Schur wrote:
    > Hi,
    > The group asked about an XACML panel for NIST IDtrust 2008. Can someone take
    > on the task of creating a five page (or less) document?
    > Do we know who would like to be on the panel at NIST?
    > Best,
    > Dee 

  • 3.  RE: [xacml] FW: IDtrust - Call for Papers Deadline - Nov 17

    Posted 11-12-2007 20:35
    Thanks Anil and others,
    I would really like to see an XACML panel here as well.
    Let me know if I can help with editing, submittal, etc.