Updated phone numbers and GoToMeeting for November 2 and 3 PAP09 meetings.
bill cox
On 11/1/10 11:34 PM, Chiu, Albert K wrote:
> All,
> Attached is the updated phone numbers and web access information for
> tomorrow and Wednesday, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
> *Tuesday, November 2, 1:00pm-3:00pm and 3:30pm-5:30pm EDT* (PAP09
> general meeting, Energy Interoperation 1.0 Public Review)
> * Meeting:
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/954230898> * Phone: 1 609 318 0020
> * Access Code: 954-230-898
> *
> Meeting ID: 954-230-898
> *Wednesday, November 3, 10:30am-Noon EDT* (NAESB PAP09 Phase Two
> Requirements Review)
> * Meeting:
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/513447795> * Phone: 1 215 383 1008
> * Access Code: 513-447-795
> *
> Meeting ID: 513-447-795
> Albert Chiu
> OpenADR TF
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
*William Cox*
http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com+1 862 485 3696 mobile
+1 908 277 3460 fax
On 11/1/10 10:26 PM, William Cox wrote:
> I'm replying to myself to include the schedule/phone/webinar details
> for this PAP09 meeting so it's all in one message, and adding the
> PAP03 and PAP04 working groups. Apologies to those receiving this more
> than once.
> This meeting will have status updates on PAP09 as well as detailed
> reviews of the OASIS Energy Interoperation draft standard and the
> NAESB draft phase two requirements for PAP09.
> Thanks!
> bill
> --
> *William Cox*
> Email:
wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com> <mailto:
> Web:
http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com> +1 862 485 3696 mobile
> +1 908 277 3460 fax
> On 11/1/10 8:33 PM, William Cox wrote:
>> PAP09 Working Group--
>> The web access and phone numbers for the meeting are as follows. This
>> information will also be on the twiki page
http://collaborate.nist.gov/twiki-sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/PAP09DRDER in
>> the Hot Links top-of-the-page section.
>> *
>> Tuesday, November 2, 1:00pm-3:00pm and 3:30pm-5:30pm EDT* (PAP09
>> general meeting, Energy Interoperation 1.0 Public Review)
>> * Meeting:
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/542703450>> * Phone: 1-702-589-8300
>> * Access Code: 401-5139
>> *Wednesday, November 3, 10:30am-Noon EDT* (NAESB PAP09 Phase Two
>> Requirements Review)
>> * Meeting:
https://www2.gotomeeting.com/join/7093437710>> * Phone: 1-702-589-8300
>> * Access Code: 464-5765
>> *A reminder* - if you are going to participate in the public review
>> of Energy Interoperation 1.0 you need to fill in and sign the
>> attached form; if you're there in person there will be forms there --
>> if you're on the phone, please fill in, sign, and scan/email or fax
>> to me as soon as possible. We will capture comments and indicate who
>> made them; without the form signed and delivered, your comments
>> cannot be used.
> On 11/1/10 10:17 PM, William Cox wrote:
>> The links below are all public. The draft standard is 7 megabytes,
>> the alternate section 3 is 200 kilobytes.
>> I'm sending this to a number of lists simultaneously; please reply
>> only to lists that you subscribe to.
>> The review document is at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/40074/energyinterop-1%200-spec-wd-14a.pdf>> (the draft standard)
>> Please also download
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/40089/Alternate%20Section%203%2020101101.pdf,>> which is an alternate to Section 3 of the draft standard.
>> We plan to review pages 7-12 in the draft standard, then the
>> alternate section 3, then pages 13-27 and 32-34 in the draft standard.
>> Work in progress includes completing the full service definitions in
>> the style of section 5.1 for all services. The Support Services
>> (section 7) and Feedback Service (section 5.2) will be first. Input
>> welcome on priorities.
>> If you're going to be on the phone, please send me a signed form
>> (attached) - either scan and email or fax in advance of the meeting
>> if at all possible.
>> All OASIS Technical Committee documents are freely available on the
>> web as soon as they are uploaded. From the Energy Interoperation TC
>> page,
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=energyinterop>> , click the Documents link in the purple right side bar. This shows
>> you documents in reverse chronological order - latest first - and you
>> can choose how many to display.
>> Thanks!
>> bill cox
>> --
>> *William Cox*
>> Email:
wtcox@CoxSoftwareArchitects.com>> <mailto:
>> Web:
http://www.CoxSoftwareArchitects.com>> +1 862 485 3696 mobile
>> +1 908 277 3460 fax