Submitter's message Minutes of the OASIS DITA TC
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Recorded by N. Harrison
link to agenda for this meeting: regrets: Joann Hackos, Bob Thomas (late)
Standing Business
Approve minutes from previous business meeting: (13 May, Nancy Harrison)
Proposed by Kris, seconded by Dick, approved by TC
Subcommittee Reports
none (Help Subcommittee June 3)
1. DITA 1.3 progress
- Redesign of Contains and Contains by (Anderson)
Robert; generated several prototypes, will meet with ChrisN, and bring one or more to TC for review.
Kris; and these would support filtering for creating different packages?
Robert; depending on how we do it, some will support that; that's one consideration.
- First spec review (Eberlein & Anderson)
Kris; still limping along trying to 1) finish work on comments and 2) work on keys material.
- Transformation utilities and DITA 1.3 grammar files
Eliot, no progress, will go back to it asap. DTD is solid, XSD stuff is still waiting; need to be able to have XSD that can be constrained in a general way.
2. New item: Proposal for Lightweight DITA subcommittee (Priestley, 27 May 2014)
Michael; I think there's now enough momentum to start a SC and start making progress; the goal of the SC would be to develop a separate DITALite spec that could go for an OASIS vote as an official DITA profile. We're not just aiming for an XML implementation; looking for a mapping for creating docs not just in DITA but in other formats like HTML5 and Markdown.
- Don; procedural question; will we need to name a chair?
- Kris; I'm assuming Michael would be the chair; we just need to approve it at TC level and OASIS will set things up.
- Kris; Michael, have you had conversations with anyone who's not in the TC, that might be interested in working on it and even joining OASIS?
- Michael; not a lot, Noz Urbina, Rahel Baillie (SP), but there are people to go after, in IBM John Hunt, and Adrian Warman.
- Kris; for others on the call, are there others in your organizations who might want to join in the work of this SC?
- Mark Poston; a couple of us at Mekon might be interested
- Kris; one of my clients might be willing to join as an individual member...
- Michael; there's also strong interest from the IBM marketing org.
Resolution; will vote on this next week. Kris asked Michael to schedule an opening SC mtg.
3. New item: Impacts of lightweight topics not being self-describing (Day, 20 May 2014) (Day, 20 May 2014) (Priestley, 27 May 2014)
Don gave an overview; he had looked into what web organizations think is important about what self-description metadata is in their content. In a file system, this data is stored and associated with the file; in a hybrid system, it's stored in the database. The question is, should this info be made 'self-discoverable'? Since the current proposal doesn't inclue a prolog, that's a concern. Michael did a followup to Don's question.
- Michael; we're definitely open to putting the prolog back into LD. Depending on the context. e.g. for Markdown, a prolog makes no seense, but for HTML5 and wiki, it does. So we don't need to hit every piece of data that coould be tracked, just the most common ones, but we want that for wiki content, it's able to be constrained to something that maps to DITA. So figuring out a good home for e.g. 'author', makes sense.
- Don; hybrid models do try to address the situation where you have content one place, and its metadata somewhere else.
- Michael; right, I don't want to provide a home for metadata in both content and outside it, but want to provide something useful.
- Don; note that in hybrid systems, for any non-text content, there's the same problem; e.g., you can't store metadata for an image within the image itself; it goes in the database record that holds it. So we just need to work out a use model for LD.
- Michael; this is exactly what the SC should be discussing.
- Kris; please set up a date for first meeting.
ActionItem: Michael will set up a date for first SC meeting.
4. New item: Troubleshooting content model is still too strict (Bob Thomas, 21 May 2014)
Bob gave an overview; This is the upshot of his work with the tutorial. Sometimes a problem needs to go through a long diagnostic process. The problem is that in a trouble topic, 'problem' requires at least one solution, and if you have a parent trouble topic you might not have a use for even one.
Kris; has this come up in TechComm SC?
Eliot; if we made it *, then we could end up with neither a problem nor a solution in a trouble topic, since problem is *. So maybe we should have *, but you have to have at least one.
Kris; we want to make sure that there's something in the topic;
Bob; 'trouble is trouble'; sometimes there's no way to avoid covering multiple content topics. The problem is where you need diagnostics, where you need to do serious diagnostics
Kris; yeah, but this goes way beyond where we expected to go. Do we want to alter entire content model?
Bob; The problem is that otherwise I'll have to use a different type of topic, probably a concept with a section, as an 'overview' troubleshooting topic.
Don, in consideration that there are undoubtedly other undiscovered scenarios, is this worth going in to change?
Eliot, it's a small change, other than the question of process.
Robert; having a hard time summoning up strong feeling either way.
Eliot; I'll be tempted to have a real trouble solution, but have a pointer to a troubleshooting task for resolution. AS soon as you have anything more use-case specific, you come up with anomalies. When we do something specific like troubleshooting, it brings up the conflict between putting 'everything' in the standard, and letting folks specialize it on their own.
Bob; I think I'll withdraw the request.
Kris; you have a suggestion for a particular workaround, but you probably should bring it to TechComm SC, whose chair is on this call. Stan, what do you think?
Stan; TechComm SC will meet in 2 wks, we can take it up then.
[5. Continued item: Looking ahead to DITA 2.0
no discussion]
6. New item: Triage Trello board for Spec clarifications and improvements Kris; will someone look at this item?
Deb; I'll take a look.
ended at 11:55 -- Nancy Harrison Document Name : DITA TC Meeting Minutes 27 May 2014 No description provided. Download Latest Revision Public Download Link Submitter : Nancy Harrison Group : OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) TC Folder : Meeting Notes Date submitted : 2014-06-02 13:12:32