OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

Revised XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles

  • 1.  Revised XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles

    Posted 05-01-2006 22:00
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    xliff message

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    Subject: Revised XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles

    Hi All,

    Please find attached a revised version of the XLIFF Profile for Java Resource Bundles.

    I made a lot of changes to the original text. Existing paragraphs were modified, new text has been added and the examples updated. As the number of modifications introduced is considerable, the text requires a detailed analysis by the TC.

    Please accept my apologies for not sending the profile earlier for review.

    Best regards,
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