I am concerned at the difficult in understanding this proposal. I also am wondering whether we have clearly identified the goals of this design.
Here s the scenario that originally drove this request
I have a SARIF log file and would like to recreate the enlistment locally in order to get source files that match the analysis I see an originalUriBase that points to the non-deterministic root of the enlistment I d like to find the version control details for this root and to sync to it locally.
sarif@lists.oasis-open.org <
On Behalf Of Larry Golding (Myriad Consulting Inc)
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2018 5:04 PM
To: Larry Golding (Myriad Consulting Inc) <
v-lgold@microsoft.com>; OASIS SARIF TC Discussion List <
Subject: [sarif] RE: Change draft for #248: Associate file location with repo
That probably read snarkier than I intended