OASIS Emergency Management TC

  • 1.  EMTC Call Today

    Posted 04-16-2019 11:21
    Friends,   We have our regular bi-weekly call today of the EMTC.  We must make the meeting very short as I have a funeral to attend at the same time as the call.  There is one important matter we need to address which we should be able to do right away.  I will excuse myself after and you all can continue as you wish.   As you recall last meeting I presented the work of IBM and the “Call for Code” humanitarian challenge.  Details can be found at https://callforcode.org/challenge/   The focus this year is on health care for which our EDXL/HAVE and TEP are well suited and IBM is interested in furthering the awareness of these efforts.  We have the opportunity to be a sponsor for the challenge and promote our work on these two specifications to the developers around the world.  The MOU between the Project and OASIS is found at https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency/download.php/65148/MOU%20-%202019%20Call%20for%20Code%20Program%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Supporter%20040919.pdf Please review and be prepared to vote as to whether the EMTC wishes to ask OASIS Staff to sign this agreement.  If we agree, it will next be taken to the Emergency Member Section to advance if agreed then signed by OASIS legal staff.   I think this will be a great way to promote our work and should be favorable considered.   I am sorry not to be able to stay on the call.  We will not have minutes to review from 4/2 but will take this as our only agenda item.  Please join if you are able.   Best regards,   Elysa Jones, Chair OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Emergency Member Section Steering Committee