I strongly urge the TC to reach out to the major public
safety groups such as the International Assoc of Fire Chiefs (IAFC),
International Assoc of Chiefs of Police (IACP), Assoc. of Public Safety
Communications Officials - International (APCO), and the National Public Safety
Telecommunications Council (NPSTC).
These associations have the expertise in their respective
fields and all participate on the international level.
Let's not lose focus that we are developing protocols for
an international (as well as national, regional, state, and local levels). I
respectfully suggest we coordinate our efforts with the groups I
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6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300
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Greenbelt, MD 20770
Dear TC Members,
I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving
Holiday. On 11/17, the draft meeting notes from our 11/14 were
posted. Our discussion about the member section was summarized.
It seems the following issues were prevalent:
1. There
should be more public safety representation in the EIC if that board is to take
on the initial role of the steering committee. Brought up by Tom agreed to
by Rex. The Public Safety Communication Council and NENA were
Further info: Chris Cooper is an EIC board member but in
addition to his role at IBM, is an Assistant Fire Chief with the
Latrobe Fire Protection District under schedule with CDF and has over 20 years
of first responder experience. ComCare is a NENA
member. The First Response Coalition might be joining the EIC.
should we reach out to other organizations or should the EIC? How should
they participate in the steering committee?
2. Scott McGrath was
going to look into the WiFi, OGC Compliance Testing framework which is Open
Source as well as the ISO/IEEE Models and report back to the
3. Thoughts on just standing the Member Section up for the
mission of developing interoperability demonstrations at first and decide
whether the test/certify/compliance piece is something we want to do via the
member section at a later time.
Please comment to the list on these
topics. We will have our EM-TC telecon meeting 1/28 at 12:00
Elysa Jones, Chair
Engineering Program
Warning Systems, Inc.