In case we get to this point after discussion... DRAFT MOTIONS AMQP-BINDMAP TC 20160419 Regular Meeting [[NOTE: if only WD08 is processed, and there are no other artifacts or files to be packaged, a ZIP archive is probably not needed. This wording assumes that there are no other files]] Previous CSD is Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) WebSocket Binding (WSB) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 01 at A diffmarked PDF should be produced comparing csprd01 and csprd02 and packaged in the ZIP archive with any other files. Voting Members: Timothy Bish William Cox John Fallows Robert Gemmell Rob Godfrey Steve Huston Alex Kritikos Jakub Scholz QUORATE: YES/NO Motions on WebSocket Binding (WSB) Committee Specification Draft and Public Review based on WSB WD10 MOTION 1: By ; second I move that the OASIS AMQP-BINDMAP TC issue Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) WebSocket Binding (WSB) Version 1.0 WD10 packaged in the AMQP-BINDMAP TC archive at [[need diffmarked version wrt csprd01 in a ZIP archive with WD08]] as Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) WebSocket Binding (WSB) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 02 and further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator to accomplish that issuance as soon as practicable. We further direct that the PDF version of the specification is authoritative. We direct that any required change logs and diffmarked comparison documents be produced by the Editor and Chair jointly. Roll call: (Yes/No/Abstain) Timothy Bish William Cox John Fallows Robert Gemmell Rob Godfrey Steve Huston Alex Kritikos Jakub Scholz Motion CARRIES/FAILS MOTION 2 By ; second I move that the OASIS AMQP-BINDMAP TC submit Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) WebSocket Binding (WSB) Version 1.0 Committee Specification Draft 02 contained in for Public Review of no less than fifteen days or more than 30 days . The review period is to be decided jointly by the Chair and TC Administrator. We further direct the Chair to perform any actions required by the TC Administrator to accomplish that issuance as soon as practicable. We request that the Public Review be of the work product changes since Committee Specification 01, and direct the Chair to jointly decide the review scope with the TC Administrator [[THIS MAY NOT MAKE SENSE IF NEARLY EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED]] Discussion: Roll call: Timothy Bish William Cox John Fallows Robert Gemmell Rob Godfrey Steve Huston Alex Kritikos Jakub Scholz Motion CARRIES/FAILS