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Subject: Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Issue # 11
Yes, I think we got a pretty good consensus on yesterday's call that
changing to a URN namespace name and keeping the namespace mandatory
in <alert> met Patti's concerns while also avoiding the single-point-
of-failure problem created by an implied schema location. The latest
CAP 1.1 draft reflects that approach.
- Art
On Jul 27, 2005, at 7/27/05 4:12 PM, Renato Iannella wrote:
> On 28 Jul 2005, at 01:10, Carl Reed OGC wrote:
>> I support the idea of a version number 100%. Clients and servers
>> need to be able to do version negotiation. Without this, then
>> interoperability suffers (like perhaps none at all). All OGC specs
>> have version numbers as part of the interface specification and
>> this information is expressed in each interface call or payload
>> encoding. An interesting side benefit is that applications can
>> then actually support multiple CAP versions.
> Carl/Patti - the CAP XML Namespace (which is mandatory) will always
> tell you what
> version of CAP you are parsing. Isn't this the same thing? (or am I
> missing something?)
> Cheers... Renato Iannella
> National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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