OASIS Emergency Management TC

Preview of CAP messages for Earthquake events

  • 1.  Preview of CAP messages for Earthquake events

    Posted 07-29-2005 16:33
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Preview of CAP messages for Earthquake events

    The USGS Earthquake Hazards Program and Office of Communications
    are almost ready to announce a new service that provides CAP
    messages for reviewed reports of Earthquake events.
    CAP alerts will be posted to
    An RSS feed that selects, for example, Earthquake events at
    magnitude 3.0 or greater, will be posted at
    (This RSS feed will be linked from the USGS home page to
    You will notice that the RSS feed applies a stylesheet to the
    CAP alert to transform it from XML to HTML.
    Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated, especially
    if you can send comments immediately so your suggestions can
    be addressed before the public announcement!

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